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    William Lazareth

    • Christians In Society


      Disagreement on ethical issues overlays a lack of consensus today on even deeper issues of method and authority in ethics. Yet a major ecumenical resource and model for Christian social ethics lies in Martin Luther’s use of Scripture as ethical source and norm.
      Lazareth rescues Luther’s christocentric reading of Scripture and his ethics from largely quietistic interpretations current through the Nazi period and sets his sights on how Luther’s principles of biblical interpretation fueled his understanding of the church’s life and mission. From this base Lazareth reinterprets the much-contested “two kingdoms” teaching, the twofold rule of God in creation and redemption, the function of law and justification, and sanctification in individuals and society.
      Lazareth’s informative historical theology also challenges contemporary Christians to affirm common biblical ground for theological ethics and to facilitate more public social witness.

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    • Reading The Bible In Faith A Print On Demand Title


      Reading the Bible in Faith gathers the deepest reflections of leading pastor-theologians dealing with the heart of Holy Scripture – the restoration of the proper relationship between God and his people. Speaking ecumenically, pastor to pastor, the contributors to this very special book provide sound encouragement, rooted in both the Bible and experience, to other church leaders who are also called to stand as the theologians of their local congregations. Seeing the present “crisis of the church” more truly as a crisis of faith that compels too many pastors to major in the minors, this volume confidently reaffirms the Christian gospel as the trustworthy and dynamic basis for the church’s mission and ministry. Short, insightful writings by respected leaders of local congregations urge church renewal through scripturally grounded preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and church administration.

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