Crosswise Quarterly (Teacher/Spring 2025)
The theme for the Spring 2025 quarter is of worship, sacrifices, and offerings running through the Scriptures. Understanding the Old Covenant sacrifices and offerings is essential to understanding the New Testament’s view of Christ’s sacrifice.
CrossWise: Navigation Through Faith & Life is a quarterly curriculum for adults of all ages
The theme of worship, sacrifices, and offerings runs through the Scriptures. Understanding the Old Covenant sacrifices and offerings is essential to understanding the New Testament’s view of Christ’s sacrifice.
Unit 1, Tabernacle, Sacrifices, and Atonement, explores texts from Exodus and Leviticus that describe the system of sacrifices and offerings that created a holy people and place for the presence of the Lord. Lesson 1, from Exodus 19, recalls the Lord’s decree that the covenant people are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Lesson 2, from Exodus 26 and 27, explores the instructions for the Tabernacle curtain that set apart the Holy of Holies. Lesson 3, from Exodus 29, describes the ordination of priests who were chosen by the Lord to officiate at Israel’s altar. Lesson 4, from the first chapter of Leviticus, gives the rules to be followed in making burnt offerings at the Tabernacle (and later the temple). Lesson 5 recounts the establishment of the Day of Atonement, an annual festival meant to cleanse the people of all impurity.
Unit 2, Christ’s All-Sufficient Sacrifice, turns to New Testament texts to explore the significance of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. In lesson 6, the Hebrew writers contrast the annual sacrifices of the old system—a mere shadow of what was to come—with Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice. Lesson 7 is drawn from 1 John 2, where John the Elder reminds us that the atoning sacrifice of Jesus is a demonstration of God’s love. Lesson 8 is the Easter lesson, which examines the details of Christ’s death and resurrection. In lesson 9, the curtain opens on the throne room of Heaven itself as the glorious lamb “that was slaughtered” is declared to be “worthy”!
Unit 3, Special Offerings and the Sanctuary, explores the unique relationship between the sanctuary and offerings or sacrifices. Lesson 10 from 1 Chronicles 21 relates David’s refusal to accept a gift from Ornan for a sacrifice to the Lord because David would not “offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” In lesson 11, we consider Solomon’s temple dedication and lavish sacrifices, as described in 2 Chronicles 7. Lesson 12 examines the laying of a new temple foundation by the people who had returned from exile to Jerusalem in Ezra 3. Lesson 13 concludes the quarter with covenant renewal and the people’s pledge to observe the commands of the Torah and reject the abuse and neglect of the temple.
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