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    The Pastor and Deacon Ministry


    The Biblical Foundation of the Pastor and Deacon Ministry is designed to help pastors and deacons understand their roles and the subsequent necessary partnership in ministry if they are to glorify God and provide Christ-honoring servant-leadership to the local church.

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    The Biblical Foundation of the Pastor and Deacon Ministry is designed to help pastors and deacons understand their roles and the subsequent necessary partnership in ministry if they are to glorify God and provide Christ-honoring servant-leadership to the local church.

    Softcover/144 pages


    Author Bio:

    Norman H. Gordon, Jr., D.Min., is the pastor of Northern Free Will Baptist Church in Bahama, NC, where he has served since 2004.

    Dr. Gordon is a veteran of the United States Air Force and the Durham County Sheriff’s Office.

    Dr. Gordon was born again in Christ on April 24, 1990. As a layman in the local Church, he served in multiple capacities, including ten years as a deacon.

    In 2001, God called him into pastoral ministry, and after being licensed by the Western Conference of Original Free Will Baptists, he was ordained on September 26, 2004.

    He graduated from the Carolina Bible Institute and Seminary in Pine Level, NC, where he later served as a biblical/ministerial studies professor for 12 years before becoming president in 2022.

    A long-time member of the Western Conference of Original Free Will Baptists, Dr. Gordon has served for nine years as a member of the Board of Ordination.

    Dr. Gordon has an extensive background in leadership from secular and ministerial viewpoints, along with 33 years of practice/observation within the local church.

    United States Air Force: Non-Commissioned Officer Leadership Preparatory Course/John Levitow Award Winner as the top graduate of the class (1988); On the Job Trainer/Supervisor Course (1988); Non-Commissioned Officer Leadership School (Class 1990). Law Enforcement Leadership/Administration Training: Wilson Technical Community College: Law Enforcement Field Training Officer Course (Class 1995); The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—Institute of Government: Developmental Supervision Program (Class 1998); Vance-Granville Community College: First Line Supervision Course (Class 1999); The North Carolina Justice Academy in Partnership with Duke University: Certificate Program in Non-Profit Management—“Management Development Program” (Class 2001); Criminal Justice Instructor—North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission; Basic Law Enforcement School Director—North Carolina Sheriff’s Training and Standards Division.

    Ministerial Leadership includes courses in Leadership for Outreach and Care, Leadership for Preaching and Worship, and Leadership for Management and Administration, in addition to numerous conferences and seminars.

    Dr. Gordon has been married to his wife, Wanda, for 39 years. He has two daughters and five grandchildren.




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