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    • Kiki Finds Her Voice


      When the school talent show creates an issue between her and her friends, little Kiki learns what it means to follow your heart and be a leader. Based on a true story from the life of Grammy-nominated singer and actress Kierra Sheard-Kelly, this inspiring picture book helps kids discover how to best use their God-given gifts and what it means to be true to yourself even when it’s not the popular thing to do.

      The school talent show is a big deal, and Kiki is thrilled when the popular girls ask her to perform with them. But when the song her new friends choose turns out to be one Kiki’s parents don’t want her singing, she must decide if it’s more important to be popular and please her friends or speak up and do what she knows is right for her.

      Kiki Finds Her Voice helps children ages 4-8:

      *Learn how to stand up to peer pressure
      *Embrace their differences and love what makes them unique
      *Better understand how their faith plays a part in their everyday lives

      In addition, Kiki Finds Her Voice is ideal for:

      *birthday, back-to-school, Christmas, and holiday gifts
      *bedtime and story time reading
      *encouraging faith development, and building character and self-confidence

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    • Genio – (Spanish)


      “La fortaleza mental, la claridad mental y la salud mental tienen una cosa en comun: el viaje comienza en tu mente”. En esta guia radical, el galardonado autor de La ultima flecha ilumina un camino sorprendente hacia la realizacion personal y el rendimiento optimo.

      McManus se ha dado cuenta de que muchos de nosotros tenemos experiencias “cercanas a la vida”. Casi realizamos nuestros sueos. Casi tomamos la decision que lo cambia todo. Siempre estamos a una eleccion de distancia. Si queremos vivir sin remordimientos, debemos hacer un cambio mental: cambiar las creencias que limitan nuestro potencial por otras que nos ayuden a avanzar hacia un desempeo optimo y perseguir el exito de estar completamente vivos. Debemos pasar de una vida de obligacion a una vida de intencion. En “Genio”, McManus reune doce marcos mentales que han ayudado a algunas de las personas mas exitosas del mundo a crear estructuras internas de exito. No necesitas una audiencia. Es lo que haces en privado lo que te hace ser quien eres. Compartiendo experiencias de empresarios, artistas, atletas profesionales y su propia carrera, McManus nos muestra como transformar nuestro pensamiento y, a su vez, transformar nuestras vidas.

      “Mental toughness, mental clarity, and mental health have one thing in common: the journey begins in your mind.” In this radical guide, the award-winning author of The Last Arrow illuminates a surprising path to personal fulfillment and optimal performance.

      McManus has realized that many of us have “close to life” experiences. We almost realize our dreams. We almost make the decision that changes everything. We are always a choice away. If we want to live without regrets, we must make a mental change: change the beliefs that limit our potential for others that help us move towards optimal performance and pursue the success of being fully alive. We must move from a life of obligation to a life of intention. In Genius, McManus brings together twelve mental frameworks that have helped some of the world’s most successful people create internal structures of success. You don’t need an audience. It’s what you do in private that makes you who you are. Sharing experiences from entrepreneurs, artists, professional athletes, and his own career, McManus shows us how to transform our thinking and, in turn, transform our lives.

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    • Experimentando A Dios A Traves – (Spanish)


      En esta alegre y resumida edicion del clasico, Jeanne Guyon explica metodos de oracion cortos, faciles y efectivos. Ella descubrio la gran diferencia entre orar a Dios y experimentar a Dios a traves de la oracion, y comparte los secretos de este plano superior de comunion con Dios. Ademas, muestra como disfrutar de la presencia de Dios, crecer en el conocimiento de la Palabra, experimentar el descanso de las preocupaciones y obtener sabiduria y entendimiento. Usted descubrira el gozo de un corazon y una mente tranquilos, aprendera como sobrevivir a sus periodos “secos” de oracion y se sentira satisfecho de donde Dios lo ha colocado.

      In this upbeat, abridged edition of the classic, Jeanne Guyon explains short, easy, and effective methods of prayer. She discovered the great difference between praying to God and experiencing God through prayer. In this book, she shares secrets of this higher plane of fellowship with God. In addition, she shows you how to enjoy God’s presence, grow in your knowledge of the Word, experience rest from worry, and gain wisdom and understanding. You will discover the joy of a quiet heart and mind, learn how to survive your “dry” periods of prayer, and become content where God has placed you. The sparkling gems of truth in this book were never meant to be read and put back on the bookshelf. They will compel you to share them with the world.

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    • Enciende Tu Cerebro Todos Los – (Spanish)


      Segun los investigadores, la gran mayoria (entre el 75 y el 98 por ciento) de las enfermedades que nos aquejan hoy en dia son el resultado directo de nuestra vida mental. Lo que pensamos realmente nos afecta tanto fisica como emocionalmente. De hecho, el miedo por si solo desencadena mas de 1400 respuestas fisicas y quimicas conocidas en nuestro cuerpo, !activando mas de treinta hormonas diferentes! Hoy nuestra cultura esta atravesando una epidemia de pensamientos toxicos que, si no se controlan, crean las condiciones ideales para las enfermedades.

      En Enciende tu cerebro, la Dra. Caroline Leaf dio a los lectores una receta para una mejor salud y plenitud a traves de patrones de pensamiento correctos. Ahora ayuda a los lectores a vivir vidas mas felices, saludables y placenteras todos los dias con este devocional compaero de su libro mas vendido. Los lectores encontraran aqui aliento y estrategias para cosechar los beneficios de una vida de pensamientos desintoxicada, !todos los dias!

      According to researchers, the vast majority of the illnesses that plague us today (a whopping 75-98 percent) are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally. In fact, fear alone triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses in our bodies, activating more than thirty different hormones! Today our culture is undergoing an epidemic of toxic thoughts that, left unchecked, create ideal conditions for illnesses.

      In Switch on Your Brain, Dr. Caroline Leaf gave readers a prescription for better health and wholeness through correct thinking patterns. Now she helps readers live out their happier, healthier, more enjoyable lives every day with this devotional companion to her bestselling book. Readers will find encouragement and strategies to reap the benefits of a detoxed thought life every day!

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    • Poder De La Vision (Abridged) – (Spanish) (Abridged)


      Ya seas un ejecutivo de negocios, un gerente departamental, un empleado, una ama de casa, un estudiante o el gobernante de un estado, el autor de exitos de ventas Myles Munroe explica como puedes hacer realidad tus esperanzas y sueos.

      Mediante El poder de la vision podras…

      *Descubrir tu proposito en la vida.
      *Entender por que la vision es esencial para tu exito.
      *Comprender las claves necesarias para cumplir el sueo de tu vida.
      *Desarrollar un plan especifico para alcanzar tu vision.
      *Vencer obstaculos para tu vision.

      Tu exito no depende del estado de la economia, de que carreras profesionales estan en demanda en la actualidad, o de como es el mercado de trabajo. No tienes que verte obstaculizado por lo que la gente te cree capaz o por una falta de recursos. Este libro proporciona principios probados por el tiempo, que te capacitaran para llevar a cabo tu vision sin importar quien seas o de donde provengas.

      No fuiste creado para una vida mediocre o rutinaria. No existes solamente para ganarte la vida. Revive tu pasion por vivir. Persigue tu sueo. Descubre tu vision y encuentra tu verdadera vida.

      Whether you are a businessperson, a departmental manager, an employee, a homemaker, a student, or a head of state, best-selling author Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality.

      *Through Vision Principles, you will…
      *Discover your purpose in life.
      *Understand why vision is essential to your success.
      *Grasp the necessary keys for fulfilling your life’s dream.
      *Develop a specific plan for achieving your vision.
      *Overcome obstacles to your vision.

      Your success is not dependent on the state of the economy, what careers are currently in demand, or what the job market is like. You do not need to be hindered by what people think you are capable of or a lack of resources. This book provides you with time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from.

      You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life. You do not exist just to earn a paycheck. Revive your passion for living. Pursue your dream. Discover your vision–and find your true life.

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    • Oraciones Diarias Para Recibir – (Spanish)


      La paciencia de las mamas es probada casi diariamente. Cuantas veces debemos apartar a hermanos que se pelean, o escuchar las mismas quejas una y otra vez?
      Cuantas veces necesitamos alentar a nuestros hijos para que soporten sin quejas cuando sentimos que nuestra propia paciencia se ha acabado? Y como encontramos paciencia para esperar el momento oportuno de Dios cuando parece que hemos estado esperando una eternidad?

      En este devocional de 30 dias y manual de reflexion, la autora, Brooke McGlothlin, nos invita a considerar que la paciencia es:

      *llegar a conocer a Jesus
      *conocer el costo de la salvacion
      *amar en medio de las dificultades
      *ver a Dios en todas las cosas
      *tener confianza en lo que no podemos ver
      *esperar con expectativa
      *confiar en Dios en medio de la pelea

      Y mucho mas.

      Oraciones diarias para encontrar la paciencia: Concedete a ti misma y a tus hijos la gracia para crecer incluye versiculos biblicos sobre la paciencia, espacio para tomar notas, y preguntas para una reflexion mas profunda. Las oraciones te ayudaran a buscar el corazon de Dios para descubrir maneras mas seguras de tener paciencia con tus hijos y contigo misma. Tu vida y la de ellos pueden convertirse en hermosos reflejos de la gran paciencia que Dios tiene con nosotros.

      Moms have their patience tested on almost a daily basis. How many times must we pull apart fighting siblings or listen to the same complaints over and over? How often do we need to encourage our kids to endure without complaining when we feel like our own patience has run out? And how do we find patience to wait for God’s timing when it seems like we’ve been waiting forever?

      In this thirty-day devotional and reflective journal, author Brooke McGlothlin invites you to consider that patience is:

      *Getting to know Jesus
      *Knowing the cost of salvation
      *Loving through the hard
      *Seeing God in all things
      *Confidence in what we can’t see
      *Waiting with expectation
      *Trusting God with the fight

      And so much more.

      Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow includes Bible verses on patience, space for journaling, and questions for deeper reflection. The prayers will help you seek God’s heart to discover surer ways to have patience with your children and yourself. Your life and theirs can become beautiful reflections of His great patience with us.

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    • Diablo No Prevalecera – (Spanish)


      Vivimos en una era sin precedentes de distraccion y tentacion. No puedes levantar tu telefono, encender tu televisor o salir por la puerta sin ser bombardeado con imagenes y mensajes de placeres y actividades mundanas.

      En esta compilacion de enseanzas nunca antes publicada, A.W. Tozer ofrece una vision penetrante y una aplicacion practica para ayudarte a tomar decisiones que honren a Dios, y den vida en una cultura que valora lo que es malo. Aprenderas a

      – reconocer las tacticas del enemigo,
      – resistir la tentacion,
      – impedir que el diablo se aproveche de ti, y
      – caminar de cerca y confiadamente con Dios.

      La vanidad de este mundo es grande, pero nosotros servimos a un Dios aun mayor. Aqui esta la sabiduria y el conocimiento biblico que necesitas para resistir al diablo y mantenerte firme en tierra santa.

      We live in an unprecedented era of distraction and temptation. You can’t pick up your phone, turn on your television, or walk out your door without being bombarded with images and messages of worldly pleasures and pursuits.

      In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A. W. Tozer offers piercing insight and practical application to help you make God-honoring, life-giving decisions in a culture that prizes what is evil. You will learn how to:

      *recognize the tactics of the enemy
      *resist temptation
      *prevent the devil from taking advantage of you
      *walk closely and confidently with God

      The vanity of this world is great, but we serve a God greater still. Here is the wisdom and biblical insight you need to resist the devil and stand firm on holy ground.

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    • Experiencing The Holy Spirit (Reprinted)


      From the Scriptures, Andrew Murray discusses the importance and power of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life.

      While exploring the biblical promises relating to the Spirit, Murray explains how you can…

      *Discover God’s will for your life
      *Learn the secret of spiritual growth
      *Be led by the Holy Spirit
      *Live in victory over sin
      *Claim your inheritance in Christ
      *Strengthen your spiritual walk
      *Receive and attract God’s favor and blessings

      Discover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!

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    • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Disease (Revised)


      In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Henry Wright presents a thoroughly biblical and compelling case for healing. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing, it’s time to take another look. In this updated edition with expanded material, Dr. Wright clearly shows that disease is not a random occurrence and that science and medicine have their place in dealing with illness but can only offer disease management. What if the answers to true healing and freedom have been in the Bible all along?

      Dr. Wright spent decades learning the spiritual roots of disease and blocks to healing. In his journey, he discovered that there is a spiritual root issue in about 80 percent of all diseases, which is a direct result of a breakdown in our relationship with God, ourselves, or others. Through his groundbreaking teachings, he helped hundreds of thousands to experience wholeness in their lives. If you have recently received a diagnosis or have been struggling with your health for years, there is hope and healing ahead.

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    • Battle Of The Ages


      Protect Yourself in the End-Times Confusion

      What is the greatest danger for believers at the end of the age?

      Is it persecution? Natural disasters? Financial collapse?

      Internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince warns that the most pressing danger is not any of these but rather deception.

      Satanic deception in the forms of false teaching, counterfeit signs and wonders, and other spiritual treachery is a Battle of the Ages that began in the garden of Eden and is intensifying to its greatest pitch in these end times.

      The danger of deception in this battle is high, even if we are confident that we are “safe.” Derek explains, “Anyone who denies his vulnerability to deception is already deceived, for Jesus has foretold it, and He does not err.”

      We are living in a dangerous time in which we require God’s supernatural warnings and wisdom. We must learn to recognize our own self-deception and to discern the end-time plots of the enemy before being drawn in to his tricks and schemes.

      The Battle of the Ages will equip you to:

      *Test the source of supernatural signs and wonders
      *Discern truth from falsehood
      *Learn the characteristics of candidates for deception
      *Know the safeguards against deception
      *Break free from pride, a stronghold of Satan
      *Resist the schemes of Satan and share in Jesus’s triumph over him
      *Recognize the mixture of the false church within the true church
      *Distinguish the Holy Spirit from counterfeit spirits
      *Keep your heart pure and surrendered to God
      *Powerfully share the gospel to bring in a great harvest

      You can uncover Satan’s strategies, effectively engage in spiritual warfare, free others from the enemy’s grip–and win the battle over deception and destruction.

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    • Young David Warrior


      Adapted from the all-new YOUNG DAVID animated series and inspired by the feature-length, animated DAVID film, Warrior is the first book in a highly-illustrated, early-reader, chapter book series that imagines the life of a young shepherd, highlighting the courage and compassion that would one day make him God’s chosen king of Israel.

      How can we defeat them when we’re outnumbered ten to one?!

      Repeat after me . . . Chazak Amats! Be Strong and Courageous! This is the war cry young David carries into every battle he faces. But today’s enemy is not what he expected. What starts out as playtime becomes one of his most important battles yet when the life of his favorite little lamb is on the line. Will David’s great courage and strong faith in God be enough to defeat this fierce enemy?

      King David was one of the greatest leaders in history. His legacy has endured for thousands of years . . . but how did it all begin? Imagine what might have happened before the powerful Bible story of David in the Old Testament. Invite children to learn the values and virtues that made David a man after God’s own heart through this inspirational children’s book.

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    • Explore Jan-Mar 2024


      Ninety-one dated and numbered devotions from January to March 2024, featuring Jason Meyer on Mark’s Gospel, Garrett Conner on Ezekiel and Carl Laferton on Easter.

      These daily devotionals will take you around 15 minutes. You will be encouraged to dig into the treasures of the Bible for yourself, excited to know and love Jesus Christ more and more each day, and equipped to live for him in the time and place that he has put you in.

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    • He Gives More Grace


      Motherhood is one of life’s most joyful yet most difficult gifts. We are eager to get it “right”, yet parenting usually highlights our weaknesses and leaves us worried about our mistakes.

      These hope-filled, positive devotions recognize the realities and pressures, joys and disappointments of motherhood and will give you a precious reminder of grace from God’s word to hold onto each day. They will help you to trust that God’s grace is enough for you and your kids. As the authors say in the introduction, “Our children do not need a perfect mother. What they do need is a mother who recognizes her need for a perfect Savior and understands that this is the greatest need of her children as well.”

      As you focus on the work of Jesus rather than your own efforts, you will feel less pressure and more freedom and joy in all the ups and downs of motherhood.

      Written by a mother-daughter combination (one with four kids aged 10-16 and one with three grown kids and ten grandchildren) who are both grateful recipients of God’s grace and faithfulness in the many seasons, situations and realities of motherhood.

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    • Fundamentalists In The Public Square


      A myth-busting work on fundamentalists and culture

      The Scopes Trial of 1925 is often regarded as a turning point in the history of American fundamentalism and evangelicalism. It is claimed that Scopes was a public relations defeat that sent fundamentalism into retreat from mainstream culture.

      In Fundamentalists in the Public Square: Evolution, Alcohol, and the Culture Wars after the Scopes Trial, Madison Trammel argues that such a characterization is misguided. Using documentary evidence from newspapers in the 1920s and 1930s, Trammel shows that fundamentalists remained fully active in seeking to transform the culture for Christ, and they remained so through the rise of Billy Graham’s ministry.

      Grounded in historical evidence, Fundamentalists in the Public Square offers a fresh take on the relationship between fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and the public square.

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    • Arrival Of The King


      The suffering and vindicated king

      The Psalter evinces meaningful arrangement. When psalms are read with attentiveness to their textual context, striking connections emerge. In The Arrival of the King: The Shape and Story of Psalms 15-24, Carissa Quinn approaches these psalms as a compositional unity. When read as a unit, Psalms 15-24 tell the story of God’s kingdom, established through the suffering and deliverance of his Davidic king.

      Quinn interprets Psalms 15-24 as a sequence and a chiasm, revealing provocative links in adjacent and parallel psalms. These psalms have a sense of progress, beginning with the question of who may ascend the holy hill and culminating in the divine king’s own ascent. They also display recursion, as themes in one psalm are developed in its chiastic parallel. At the peak of the chiasm is Psalm 19, where the king praises God’s creation and Torah and prays for righteousness.

      The Arrival of the King establishes and explores the rewards of approaching the Psalms as a carefully arranged literary work.

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    • New Song : Biblical Hebrew Poetry As Jewish And Christian Scripture


      The fresh riches of biblical poetry for communities of faith

      A New Song includes nine essays on the hidden intricacies of poetry in the Hebrew Bible, ten original poems in dialogue with biblical poetry, and three reflective responses.

      *On Reading Genesis 49: How Hebrew Poetry Communicates Then and Now (John Goldingay)

      *Shirat Ha-Yam (the Song of the Sea) in Jewish and Christian Liturgical Tradition (C.T.R. Hayward)

      *Hannah’s Prayer (1 Samuel 2:1-10): On the Interface of Poetics and Ethics in an Embedded Poem (David G. Firth)

      *Bending the Silence: Reading Psalms through the Arts (Ellen F. Davis)

      *Psalms “Translated” for Life in the 21st Century – A South African perspective (June F. Dickie)

      *Prosody and Preaching: Poetic Form and Religious Function in Biblical Verse (Benjamin D. Sommer)

      *”With Fists Flailing at the Gates of Heaven” Wrestling with Psalm 88, A Psalm for Chronic Illness (Shai Held)

      *Truth and Hidden Things: Reading Isaiah 45:9-25 as Scripture (Katie M. Heffelfinger)

      *The Dynamic Relationship between God and Man in the Book of Hosea: A Dynamic – Synchronic Reading (Yisca Zimran)

      *Original poems by Maria Apichella, Kilby Austin, Edward Clarke, Jacqueline Osherow, Micheal O’Siadhail, Richard G. Rohlfing Jr., and Jock Stein.

      Edited by Stephen D. Campbell, Richard G. Rohlfing Jr., and Richard S. Briggs, A New Song brings together a diverse roster of Jewish and Christian scholars to explore biblical Hebrew poetic texts within the context–and for the benefit–of communities of faith. These thoughtful essays and poems encourage readers to join in the singing of the old songs anew.

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    • Preparing Sermons From The Page To The Pulpit


      A step-by-step guide to preparing effective expository sermons

      Preparing Sermons from the Page to the Pulpit helps pastors move from study to sermon in seven clear steps.

      Pastors love studying God’s word. But it can be difficult to take the things they’ve learned from exegesis and apply them to the soul of a congregation. Veteran pastor and seminary professor Wayne Baxter helps pastors move from study to sermon. He guides preachers on how to take their exegetical analysis of a Scripture passage and turn it into an effective expository sermon.

      Preachers and seminarians will be helped by Baxter’s expertise as they grow in crafting compelling sermons.

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    • Spirit And Power Of Elijah


      Strongholds can’t be broken without the boldness to confront them.

      After reading this book, you will have the courage to walk in the same anointing as the prophet Elijah to boldly declare the power of the Lord and break off the strongholds holding our world captive to the darkness.As it was in the days of Elijah, a great number of God’s people today dwell in a nation that is on a path of progressive moral decline. America has the most liberal abortion standard in the world. Christians are hooked on pornography. The homosexual agenda is finding acceptance even in the church. Divorce is on the rise in the church. Human trafficking is manifesting as the ugly side of globalization. Those who were once considered great leaders are now preaching a doctrine of inclusion, with Christian who leaders or that are afraid to say on national television that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.

      With the turn of a new decade plagued with violence, sickness, disease, and economic instability, the people cry out for the prophets to speak. And God is raising up a prophetic people who will help prepare the way for His purposes in our generation. A new company of Elijah prophets–holy, bold, and uncompromising–are being equipped to restore the spiritual destiny of the church in our generation.

      In this book, Michelle McClain-Walters challenges readers to awaken to the call God is stirring in the earth and stand up as modern-day Elijahs who will partner with the Holy Spirit to change the culture by turning hearts back to God. Readers will be encouraged to:

      *Identify the call of God on their lives in this hour and ask, “Am I an Elijah?”

      *Learn what it takes to walk in the spirit and power of Elijah and where they may be in their own journey

      *Understand the different roles miracles play during times of revival, reformation, and restoration

      *Learn to pray prayers that move heaven and shake earth, as well as how to persist in prayer

      This book will empower readers to discover their prophetic destiny in this hour and position themselves to receive a double portion of the spirit and power of Elijah.

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    • 180 Healing Prayers For The World


      The World Could Use Some Healing Prayers Right Now. . .

      And this delightful book invites girls, ages 8 to 12, to pray big, courageous, powerful prayers to make the world a better place!

      180 inspiring prayers will guide the girls in your life to pray for their families, their neighborhoods, their schools, their cities, their country, and beyond. With each turn of the page, girls will pray for positive, healing change in the world as they encounter the many ways they can make an impact through their conversations with God. Featured “Be the Change” sections after every prayer will encourage girls to “act” as they listen for God’s voice and direction for their lives.

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    • Even If : Devotions And Prayers For When Life Doesnt Go As Planned


      Even when life doesn’t go as planned, our God is still good!

      Do you believe it? . . .

      And, with Him by your side, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible!

      Have you experienced it? . . .

      Inspired by Daniel 3:16-18, this uplifting collection of devotional meditations and prayers will refresh your weary soul and remind you of the hope that is found in our God of miracles–in the God of possibilities!

      These 180 truth-infused devotions will help transform your heart and mind with enduring promises from God’s Word.

      You’ll find your soul delighted as, on every beautiful page, you discover new strength, confidence, and courage for today, tomorrow, and all your days to come.

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    • Christian Writers Market Guide 2024 Edition


      An Essential Resource for Getting Published

      Foreword by Jerry B. Jenkins

      The 2024 Christian Writers Market Guide is the most comprehensive and recommended resource on the market for finding an agent, an editor, a publisher, a writing coach, a podcast, or a writing course.

      Wherever you are in your writing journey the Guide will help you find what you are looking for. Nearly 1,000 listings including more than 200 book publishers, 130 periodical publishers, 45 specialty markets, 215 writers conferences and writers groups around the world, 45 literary agencies, 240 freelance editors and designers, as well as dozens of legal and accounting services, speaking services, podcasts, courses, and contests.

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    • Never Give Up (DVD)


      It’s the tennis match of his life, 20-year-old University of Toledo Freshman BRAD MINNS versus 30-year-old JEFF OSBORNE, the reigning world gold medalist. Through the ups and downs of the nearly five-hour match, we follow Brad’s story from when he became deaf at age 3, to attending elementary school as the only non-hearing person, to learning tennis and upsetting the junior tennis world, to winning a walk-on spot on his college squad, and finally making the United States Tennis Team in the Deaf World Games. With the help of his family, Minns can make it in a hearing world … and with the help of God, he is able to win this never-to-be-forgotten match.

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    • BibleForce : The First Heroes Bible – Revised Edition Now Includes NLT Text (Rev


      Kids love superheroes! They love to read the colorful comics that tell their stories. So your kids are going to LOVE BibleForce: The First Heroes Bible.

      Told as an amazing graphic novel, this book is JAM-PACKED with nearly 200 stories of the FIRST heroes-the heroes from the Bible-and their adventures. Through action-packed artwork and fast-paced dialog, your children will learn biblical stories in a fun and educational way.

      This incredible volume includes the stories of how:

      *In the beginning, God created the world. BANG!
      *Jacob wrestled with God. ZOWIE!
      *Moses led the Israelites out of slavery. POW!
      *David, a shepherd boy, slayed a giant. WHAM!
      *John the Baptist ate locusts. EEW!
      *Jesus healed people who were sick, injured, and broken-hearted. WOW!
      *And how Jesus died but came to life again. HALLELUJAH!

      BibleForce is perfect for:

      *Kids ages 7-12
      *Church youth groups or reading clubs
      *New readers of the Bible or kids interested in learning more about biblical stories
      *Kids interested in history and the amazing heroes in our Bible

      Kids will spend delightful hours enjoying the rich illustrations and reading the edge-of-your-seat stories. They’ll learn that through God’s power, they can be superheroes for God, too.

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    • Found : Discover The Power Of Your True Identity


      Discover how to live loved, and live free, because that is who you really are!

      “Found” will enable you to …

      – Discover your true identity and reclaim your life.
      – Gain a clear perspective on how God sees you.
      – Take hold of all that God wants to give you.
      – Experience power and purpose in your everyday life.
      – Believe that everything available to Jesus is also offered to you!

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    • Greatest Hymns Devotional


      Traditional hymns are compelling expositions that proclaim biblical truths in profound ways. Poetic verse and evocative music beautifully intertwine, connecting our emotions with the heart of our glorious Creator. Hope soars in moments of doubt, fear, and tragedy; gratitude and joy erupt in a chorus of praise. Hymns connect us to the saints of old who struggled with and celebrated their faith, encouraging unity among the body of Christ in a way that crosses into eternity.

      The Greatest Hymns Devotional reflects on one hymn each day, providing an interesting fact, thoughtful meditation, relevant Scripture, and inspiring prayer provoked by the hymn. As you spend time contemplating each entry, be reminded of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and grace. His very character is apparent in the powerful rhetoric that has stood the test of time.


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    • Why Jesus : Answering Life’s Most Important Question


      Jesus is our hope.

      The world offers countless choices for how to live and who to follow. With each conflicting option, we’re often left uncertain and confused in our search for truth and meaning.

      Ray Comfort has spent decades pointing people to Jesus. Now he describes how you, too, can share the truth and love of the Lord with confidence to a world that needs hope. Taking you step-by-step through real-life evangelistic conversations, Why Jesus? will help you:

      *recognize Jesus as the only path to everlasting life,
      *identify lies that distort humanity’s view of God, and
      *use the Bible to highlight our need of the Savior.

      Surrender your fears and trust God’s faithfulness to transform lives as you share the good news with those around you.

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    • From The Grave


      40-day Lent devotional from a beloved spiritual writer

      As for the field, so for the soul: “The neglected heart will soon be overrun with worldly thoughts.” Careful cultivation yields a harvest, and the heart requires great attention. .

      From the Grave, a 40-day Lent devotional, reflects on this critical spiritual dynamic. It features A. W. Tozer’s best insights on faith, repentance, suffering, and redemption. Gleaned from transcribed sermons, editorials, and published books, each moving reflection has been carefully selected for the season of Lent. It addresses themes like:

      *Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection
      *Mortification of the flesh
      *Self-denial and cross-bearing
      *New life in Christ
      *Christian obedience and resurrection hope

      Each day features a brief portion of Scripture for meditation followed by a reflection from Tozer. Together the entries take you on a journey from the garden to the grave to light of day–the “pain-wracked path” to life.

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    • Becoming The Voice Of God


      Next-Level Training for Prophetic People

      Many who are called to the office of the Prophet never receive effective, biblical training.

      Becoming the Voice of God was written as an essential training guide to help you grow into the office of the Prophet, equipping you with biblical instruction and wisdom to fully step into your prophetic anointing.

      Emma Stark–a sound, accurate, and well-respected prophet with over a decade of experience operating in her prophetic office and mentoring hundreds of others to do the same–offers this vital handbook for those called to serve as prophets in the body of Christ.

      Emma’s experience and insight will be treasured guideposts on your journey in your prophetic gifting, including:

      *Fear of the Lord
      *Your prayer life
      *The role of prophets

      God is raising up a company of prophets across the earth who will proclaim His voice with boldness, accuracy, excellence, and faith. As you allow Him to mature you as His mouthpiece, you will become the voice that changes your family, community, and nation!

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    • Winter By The Sea


      When the Duke and Duchess of Kent rent neighboring Woolbrook Cottage for the winter, the Summers sisters are called upon to host three of the royal couple’s male staff in their seaside house. But they soon realize they’ve invited mysterious secrets and the sweet possibility of romance into their home.

      Meanwhile, Emily Summers approaches a local publisher in hopes of fulfilling her dream of becoming an author. When he turns her down, his dashing competitor promises to consider her novel if she will first write a new Sidmouth guidebook for him. Emily accepts and begins researching with the help of the Duke of Kent’s handsome private secretary. But a surprise visitor from her past shows up at Sea View, leaving Emily torn between the desires she used to hold dear and her budding dreams for the future.

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    • Israel On High Alert Updated And Expanded (Expanded)


      What Does the Future Hold for Israel?

      The Middle East has long been spiraling out of control, causing global uncertainty and fear. What does this turmoil mean for Israel, and why has peace been so elusive?
      In this updated and expanded edition of Israel on High Alert, author and Bible teacher Ron Rhodes offers a clear view of the situation–and future–faced by Israel. You will explore:

      *the causes of the rising conflicts and wars in the Middle East
      *what Scripture says about the ongoing battles and God’s plans for Israel
      *how the events in the Middle East affect each of our lives today

      Touching on everything from mainstream and radical Islam to the current efforts to rebuild the Jewish temple, this book will guide you through the past, present, and God-ordained future for the nation of Israel. Find assurance in knowing that even amid chaos and uncertainty, God’s plan is already in action–and it will never fail.

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    • 1 2 3 Jesus Loves Me For Little Ones


      This colorful book uses basic numbers (1-10) to help tell engaging stories from the life of Jesus, each containing an important lesson for little ones about who He is and how they can follow Him.

      Do you want to instill a love for Jesus in your little one? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

      As children practice counting from 1 to 10, they will be introduced to short stories from Jesus’s life that reveal who He is and why kids can believe in Him. The vivid illustrations and engaging text will capture kid’s imaginations and lead to meaningful discussions on how to have a lifelong relationship with Jesus and share His love with others.

      Each story includes a main lesson and a short Scripture passage for you and your child to read together. Add 123 Jesus Loves Me for Little Ones to your family’s library of inspirational and educational children’s books.

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    • When Calls The Heart Complete Series 1-10 (DVD)


      The set covering the complete When Calls the heart Season 1 to 10, includes 22 DVD’s with 102 episodes of When Calls the Heart along with some incredibly entertaining behind the scenes bonus content. Not only will you get every second of the show including all the Christmas specials, you’ll get a first hand look at the people working behind the scenes to bring you your favorite program. This includes Get to Know Michael Landon Jr., Janette Oke, The Hearties of Hope Valley, Costume design, Post production, Composing the Music, Producing the Sets, and an in depth look at the incredible location itself, Hope Valley. With almost 70 hours of programming, this set is the must have for When Calls the Heart fans everywhere.

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    • His Only Son (DVD)


      His Only Son is a remarkable cinematic portrayal of Abraham’s unwavering faith and his willingness to sacrifice his only son in obedience to God’s divine command. Now, you can own the film in the stunning DVD and Blu-ray format. Enjoy stunning visuals and crystal-clear sound as you delve into this remarkable story of faith and devotion.

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    • Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches


      You love word searches. . .

      You love the Bible. . .

      Y ou’ll love the double challenge of Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches!

      Here’s a brand-new collection of Bible puzzles with a bonus–“hidden trivia” questions made from the leftover letters!

      These 100 puzzles are based on the familiar and beloved King James Version and cover the gamut of scripture–from Genesis to Revelation, including the

      *things and

      …of God’s Word. First, you’ll find the 22-30 search words in the puzzle grid. Then you’ll read the uncircled letters for a related Bible trivia question.

      Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches is a great way to turn “down time” into something productive!

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    • Choose Love : 3-minute Devotions For Teen Girls


      Got 3 minutes? . . .

      This delightful new devotional encourages you to take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and to choose share that love with others.

      *Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection
      *Minute 2: read through a devotional thought
      *Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start a conversation with God.

      Dozens of just-right-sized readings pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration and are designed to meet you right where you are in life. In only 3 short minutes, you will be on your way to honoring God’s greatest commandments–love Him and love others!

      12 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Bible Devotions For Girls


      180 life-changing devotions for girls. . .all inspired by the words of Jesus in the Bible!

      This deeply encouraging devotional is inspired by the words of Jesus in the New Testament. From His teaching and preaching to Jesus’ miracles and parables, the girls in your life will read the life-changing, memorable words of Christ alongside a relevant devotion guaranteed to motivate and challenge them to grow in their faith. 180 devotions touch on important life themes including: “You are the light of the world. You cannot hide a city that is on a mountain” (Matthew 5:14) and “Pray for those who do bad things to you and who make it hard for you” (Matthew 5:44). Featuring kid-friendly scripture passages from easy-to-understand Bible versions!

      13 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Bible Devotions For Boys


      180 life-changing devotions for boys. . .all inspired by the words of Jesus in the Bible!

      This deeply encouraging devotional is inspired by the words of Jesus in the New Testament. From His teaching and preaching to Jesus’ miracles and parables, the boys in your life will read the life-changing, memorable truths of Christ alongside a relevant devotion guaranteed to motivate and challenge them to grow in their faith. 180 devotions touch on important life themes including: “You are the light of the world. You cannot hide a city that is on a mountain” (Matthew 5:14) and “Pray for those who do bad things to you and who make it hard for you” (Matthew 5:44). Featuring kid-friendly scripture passages from easy-to-understand Bible versions!

      10 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • NIV Application Commentary On The Bible One Volume Edition


      The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible enables readers to better understand not just what the Bible means, but also what it means for their lives. Clear explanations of every passage in the Bible are presented alongside insights into contemporary significance.

      Written by top-notch evangelical scholars but requiring no formal Bible or seminary training, The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible is useful both for personal study and for teaching preparation.

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    • Who Is The God Of Heaven


      Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do these accounts prove the existence of a loving God?

      Never in history, until now, have we been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a gold mine of intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs). John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than one thousand NDEs. He started his investigative journey as a skeptical agnostic when his own father was dying from cancer. After he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself:

      “Could this be real evidence-even possible proof-of God’s existence?”

      Who Is the God of Heaven? answers the most common questions about the God revealed throughout history in Scripture, and now illustrated in thousands of near-death experiences from around the globe.

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    • Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition


      Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app.
      This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.

      The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

      2 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


      Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding

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    • Only Light Can Do That


      Through Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s words and Bible verses, kids will discover that Dr. King’s Christian faith was the foundation for his activism and that God calls us to stand up for justice and love. This illustrated children’s devotional will inspire the next generation with the passion of Dr. King, America’s greatest Black leader, and equip them to make a difference for God, both today and tomorrow.

      Through Dr. King’s timeless words, children ages 8 to 12 will be challenged and inspired to:

      “drive out darkness” with light and love;
      *go to the Bible for the truth about evil, love, identity, and responsibility;
      *respect the Creator-given human dignity in everyone;
      *build relationships across boundaries and spread kindness in all communities; and
      *stand for God’s truth about themselves and others.

      This 60-day devotional for older children includes

      *a short biography of Dr. King that focuses on his belief in God’s Word as the basis of his activism;

      *60 devotions written just for kids, each featuring Scripture, a quote from Dr. King, and a challenge to live out the truth;

      *inspiring stories of young participants of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s; and

      *a presentation page for commemorating gifting occasions and a source list for further exploration.

      Today’s children are passionate about social justice and want to be change makers. This devotional shows kids that following Christ is an essential element of the fight for justice and empowers them to actively live out their faith.

      “If we are to go forward, if we are to make this a better world in which to live, we’ve got to go back. . . . We’ve got to go back and rediscover the principle that there is a God behind the process.” –Martin Luther King Jr.

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    • God With Us Teen Devotional


      Christ is Born!

      We all know the basics surrounding the birth of Jesus. Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, a star, shepherds, wise men, Herod, all of it. But did you know that all of Scripture points to God’s goodness by sending His one and only Son to dwell among us? In this 30-day devotional we will explore all elements of the birth of Jesus, from the amazing prophecies of the Old Testament, to all of the people of the Gospels directly involved in and around it. Most importantly, we’ll see how God has provided, protected, and promised salvation, not only to Israel, but to the whole world. You too can firmly place your hope in the God of the Universe who loves you. God so loved the World, that He gave us Jesus: God with us.

      In this 12-volume series, each 30-day devotional will point to the unchanging truth of God’s love and anchor students in His Word as they walk through the holidays, seasons of change, and milestones that come with each passing year. Students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives.

      Discover (Identity + Theology): Who is God? Who am I in light of who God is? These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be.

      Delight (Spiritual Disciplines): What does it mean to delight in God? What leads to delight in God? Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. When students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

      Display (Leadership, Mission, + Disciple Making): How do students display the glory of God? How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him? How can they lead others to display the truth of God? Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded.

      Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

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