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    • Springtime Of The Liturgy


      (Re-released as part of the Classics in Liturgy series) Originally published as Early Sources of the Liturgy, this book presents the principal texts of the Christian liturgy from its beginnings to the fifth century. Included among the main sources treated are liturgical texts of the Jewish tradition; doxologies, hymns, and blessings of the New Testament; the Didache; the Letter to the Corinthians of Clement of Rome; the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus of Rome; the Anaphora of Addai and Mari; the Didascalia of the Apostles; the Euchology of Serapion.

      Later witnesses include the Strasbourg Papyrus; the Apostolic Constitutions; the Euchology of Der Balyzeh; the Catechesis of Cyril of Jerusalem.

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    • Sermons On The Song Of Songs Volume 3


      These eighty-six sermons are among the most famous and most beautiful examples of medieval scriptural exegesis. In them the modern reader can catch a glimpse of the genius an entire generation found irresistible.

      Volumes available singly or as a set.

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    • Marks Story Of Jesus


      This book is designed to introduce the reader to a single coherent story, Mark’s story of Jesus’ life and death. From a literary perspective the reader is therefore advised to approach the Markan story as he or she would any other story: to read the whole story from beginning to end, to observe the characters and the interplay among them, to watch for the author’s clues regarding the plot, to discern the plot development, to identify scenes of crisis and recognition, and to view the story’s resolution in the light of its antecedent logic.

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    • Tabernacle


      12 Chapters

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      The tabernacle in the wilderness, which became the center of all worship of the children of Israel during their journeying, was designed by God Himself in heaven. It was a perfect replica of something that already existed before; it is a picture, a type, and a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ, where God meets man, and where deity and humanity meet in one person.

      Every detail of the tabernacle points to some aspect of the person and work of our Savior. Then the tabernacle becomes, secondarily, a picture of the believer. Thirdly, it provides a complete picture of the plan of salvation.

      It is an inexhaustible subject. Within the pages of this book, the three pictures of Christ, the believer, and the plan of salvation are drawn with stimulating and expressive words to emphasize the message of “‘Christ in us, the hope of glory.'”

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    • Faith Foolishness Or Presumption


      You can finally discover what it means to live a happy, victorious life of faith. Learn to discern the difference between faith, foolishness or presumption and apply this powerful truth to your life.

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    • Elders Handbook : A Practical Guide For Church Leaders


      Lester DeKoster is the retired editor of The Banner, weekly news magazine of the Christian Reformed Church. He is the former Director of Libraries for Calvin College and Seminary. He currently writes and publishes books on Christian living from the Reformed Calvinist perspective. Gerard Berghoef is the retired President of Widdicomb Furniture Company and a long time elder in the Christian Reformed Church.

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    • Pentateuco – (Spanish)


      It is the desire of the author that this book will be a great blessing to its readers, stimulating them to search and come to a profound understanding of the Sacred Scriptures, providing them with a rich and spiritual nourishment for their lives.

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    • Embodiment : An Approach To Sexuality And Christian Theology


      Addressing the theological implications of human sexuality, this comprehensive and imaginative treatment sets both traditional and unconventional sexuality issues within context of God’s fulfilling grace. A book for pastors and counselors who wish to think constructively about human sexuality. James B. Nelson is Professor of Christian Ethics at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. He has a Ph.D. from Yale University.

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    • Origin Of Christiology


      Lectures in which the distinguished theologian argues that “development” is closer to the truth than “evolution” as a description of the genesis of Christology.

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    • Sermons On The Song Of Songs 1


      Taking up Saint Bernard’s unfinished sermon-commentary, Gilbert ruminates on verse 3:1-5:10 in forty-eight sermons, leaving the task to be finished by John of Ford.

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    • Adult Christ At Christmas


      In this digest of his longer work, The Birth of the Messiah, Father Brown puts the adult Christ back into Christmas, treating the infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke as the entire Gospel story in minature.

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    • Autoridad Espiritaul – (Spanish)


      2 Parts

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      This is a profound yet simple book that ought to be read with prayer. In times when the foundations of authority are falling to pieces in the church, the home, and life in general, the author offers advice and teachings to guide to our life. “May your authority not exceed your ministry”, Watchman Nee advises us in this book.

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    • Historical Theology A Print On Demand Title


      “An ideal historical theology, or even an introduction to it,” says Geoffrey Bromiley, “lies beyond the limits of human possibility.” And he does not intend this volume to be an all-inclusive theological study about everybody and everything. Rather, “this work is composed for beginners, for inquirers, for those who know nothing or very little of the history of theology, but who want to know something, or something more.

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    • Theology In A New Key


      “I do not think there are any issues on the theological and human scene more important than the ones liberation theologians are raising,” says Robert McAfee Brown. In this book Brown explores how we can respond to liberation theology without condescension, arrogance, or co-optation. He surveys in detail the kind of challenges to North American Christians issued by South American theologians. He then calls upon the church to work to make itself what it ought to be and to take sides politically in support of human rights.

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    • Faith Of The Early Fathers Volume 1


      Taken together, these three volumes represent a basic English-language reference book of patristic works. Volume 1 ends circa 382.

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    • Infant Baptism And The Covenant Of Grace A Print On Demand Title


      Paul Jewett, author of the creative and highly provocative book Man As Male and Female, here turns his critical attention to the practice of infant baptism. Jewett does not accept the traditional “covenant” argument for baptizing infants, and this book explains why he believes this argument fails.

      Infant baptism is not a subject which can be isolated. For, as Jewett would have his readers understand, one’s view on this issue is integrally related to one’s view of the sacraments in general and thereby to the whole doctrine of the church and salvation. Thus it is understandable that what appears to be a minor theological question has had such divisive effects on the church.

      A discussion of the historical source of infant baptism begins Jewett’s critique and introduces such issues as the distinction between infants and children, the silence of certain early church fathers on the subject, infant communion, and catechetical instruction.

      The second and major portion of this book examines the theological issue, focusing specifically on the covenant argument, which suggests that baptism replaces circumcision as the sign of the covenant and thereby is given to infants. This argument, Jewett claims, fails to take into account the historical character of revelation, and contains certain contradictions.

      Jewett concludes with a creative defense of believer baptism, one which is theologically responsible and which recognizes the profound truths of covenant theology.

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    • Lost Art Of Disciple Making


      12 Chapters

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      But all too often the opportunity isn’t there. We neglect the young Christian in our whirl of programs, church services, and fellowship groups. And we neglect to raise up workers and leaders who can disciple young believers into mature and fruitful Christians. In simple. practical, and biblical terms, LeRoy Eims revives the lost art of disciple making. He explains:
      * How the early church discipled new Christians
      * How to meet the basic needs of a growing Christian
      * How to spot and train potential workers
      * How to develop mature, godly leaders

      “True growth takes time and tears and love and patience,” Eims states. There is no instant maturity. This book examines the growth process in the life of a Christian and considers what nurture and guidance it takes to develop spiritually qualified workers in the church.

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    • Number One Way To Fight The Devil


      How would you fight if you knew that your victory was guaranteed? If you knew you could not lose? The reality is your enemy, Satan, has already been defeated. Christ stripped Satan of all power when he died on the cross and rose again. As a Christian, you are promised victory. The only weapons Satan has left are lies and evil tricks to try to make you believe that the victory is not yours. Rise up, Christian, and take your rightful place of victory!

      In the pocket-sized book “The Number One Way to Fight The Devil,” author and Bible teacher Norvel Hayes explains the simple yet powerful way to remind the devil of his place. Satan’s lies and tricks will be exposed and the truth of your victory revealed as you learn and practice the victory that is already yours.

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    • Job Everymans Bible Commentary


      Designed for laypeople, this commentary deals seriously with the biblical text on Job without being overly technical. Introductory information, doctrinal themes, problem passges, and practical applications are examined.

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    • Lo Que Dices Recibes – (Spanish)


      Words can free the spiritual power within believers and give them love, joy, peace, happiness, success and prosperity.

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    • Name Of Jesus


      How the Jesus Prayer developed and the names by which early Christians addressed Christ.

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    • Last Things A Print On Demand Title


      Scriptural prophecies about the end times have been the subject of a great number of books. Many of them, however, are popularized accounts containing little thoughtful biblical scholarship. Yet the serious studies available are often too difficult for the average reader to understand. George Eldon Ladd has endeavored to rectify this situation with a serious discussion of eschatology written for the layperson.

      Two radically different interpretations of the relationship between the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments have been offered. One view sees separate programs for Israel and the Christian church, while the other recognizes progressive revelation and a unity of the Testaments.

      Professor Ladd holds the latter position, basing his doctrine of the last things on the conviction that “our final word . . . is to be found in the New Testament reinterpretation of Old Testament prophecy.” Only as the prophecies are seen in the light of God’s revelation through Christ can we clearly comprehend what they mean in relation to the end times.

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    • Chronological Aspects Of The Life Of Christ


      Dr. Hoehner has gathered a vast amount of data, both from Scripture and extrabiblical sources, to support his conclusions concerning key dates in the life of our Lord, among them: – The Date of Christ’s Birth – The Commencement of Christ’s Ministry – The Duration of Christ’s Ministry – The Year of Christ’s Crucifixion He carefully documents his position and compares the date available–including a study of Greek words, Roman law, and Jewish customs and prophecy.

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    • Study Of Angels (Revised)


      As a believer, you know they exist. In Hebrews 13:2 you are told that you may entertain them without knowing it. They helped announce the birth of Christ, and one appeared to strengthen Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

      Who are these intriguing, powerful warriors and servants of God the Bible calls angels? You’ve always wanted to know more about them, and now you can. In this revised edition, Edward Myers digs deeper than ever into the biblical clues of this wonderful mystery. This is fascinating and informative reading that will help you realize that you are not alone in this world.

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    • Brotherly Community : The Highest Command Of Love


      These two early Anabaptist documents, from 1560 and 1650, give an impassioned witness to the life of discipleship of Jesus and to the possibility of true brotherly love in full community.

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    • Preacher And His Preaching


      A practical book for the new or prospective preacher, “The Preacher and His Preaching” was written by a former college president, pastor, and editor of Sunday school curriculum.

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    • Books Of Haggai Zechariah And Malachi


      Follows the pattern of the series in discussing the content and background in dating the authorship of the books, and in offering a section-by-section presentation of the NEB text with commentary.

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    • Discourses And Sayings


      A shrewd observer, a master psychologist, an accomplished raconteur, Dorotheos is also a learned man with a prodigious capacity for assimiliating in an organized harmony the wisdom of his precedessors in the life of the Spirit. Yet he is far more interested in humbly serving his brethren than in discousing about the recondite aspects of the hescyhast experience. His genial candor makes him the ideal spiritual master to introduce modern readers to the rich spiritual universe of the deserts of Egypt, Palestine, and Syria.

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    • How Mennonites Came To Be


      Fear, loneliness, and despair describe the pain so many people feel today. One alternative to the emptiness of our time is a living faith. How Mennonites Came To Be& sets forth such a faith. It’s a faith rooted in Jesus Christ and His word, a faith born of intense suffering and persecution. The author, a noted historian and biblical scholar, writes of the people he loves so well. His story touches the real meaning of life.

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    • Life Of Christ


      Widely proclaimed a classic work of Christian faith, Life of Christ has been hailed as the most eloquent of Fulton J. Sheen’s many books. The fruit of many years of reflection, prayer, and research, it is a dramatic and moving recounting of the birth, life, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ, and a passionate portrait of the God-Man, the teacher, the healer, and, most of all, the Savior, whose promise has sustained humanity for two millenia.

      With his customary insight and reverence, Sheen interprets the Scripture and describes Christ not only in historical perspective but also in exciting and contemporary terms — seeing in Christ’s life both modern parallels and timeless lessons. His thoughtful, probing analysis provides new insight into well-known Gospel events.

      An appealing blend of philosophy, history, and biblical exegesis, from the best-known and most-loved American Catholic leader of the twentieth century, Life of Christ has long been a source of inspiration and guidance. For those seeking to better understand the message of Jesus Christ, this vivid retelling of the greatest story ever lived is a must-read.

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    • Rule Of The Master


      Three times longer than the Rule of Saint Benedict and in parts identical to it, the Regula Magistri encompasses the entire existence, material and spiritual, of the monastic community and its members. First English translation.

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    • Monastic Journey By Thomas Merton


      Written during the last decade of Merton’s life, these articles reflect his mature thought on monastic life in community and in solitude. Appealing to the monastic dimension in all of us, his reflections have meaning for those living outside as well as inside monastery walls, fellow travellers on the same journey he took, aware of the fragility and imperfections, as well as the great potential for growth and love, within each human person.

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    • Holy Eucharist Rites 1-2 (Large Type)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819215871ISBN10: 0819215872Charles GuilbertBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1977Publisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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    • 2nd Book Of Samuel


      Tells how David took over full control of both the Northern and Southern Hebrew kingdoms and consolidated his power, presented in CBC format.

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    • New Oxford Annotated Bible With The Apocrypha Expanded Edition


      People who enjoy reading the time-honored Revised Standard Version will appreciate the background materials accompanying its text in this highly regarded edition.

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    • Jesus God And Man


      This highly acclaimed work demonstrates Wolfhart Pannenberg’s belief that at the heart of every Christian theology lies its teaching about Jesus Christ. The second edition, available for the first time in paperback, contains an Afterword in which the author reviews other theologians’ responses to his thesis and methodology and shows the progression of his own interpretation.

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    • Our Christian Worship


      Our Christian Worship: Resources For Palm Sunday Through Easter, contains original and selected, contemporary resources for worship for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.

      Our Christian Worship features opening sentences, invocations, introits, collects, Scripture suggestions, hymn suggestions, prayers, welcome to visitors, offertory sentence, and prayers.

      Our Christian Worship offers everything at your fingertips with such programs as: Maundy Thursday — A Communion service and Tenebrae; Good Friday — Passion story based upon the Seven Last Words; and Easter — A Communion service.

      Our Christian Worship also includes a brief treasury of additional prayers for use during Holy Week.

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    • Committed Marriage


      Shedding a new light on perennial questions, Mrs. Actemeier examines the contemporaty state of marriage and family life from a Biblical point of view. With candor, clarity, and passion, the author provides insight into many sources of conflict within a marriage. Viewing Christian marriage as a form of discipleship, she finds in it the key to freedom, order, and fulfillment.

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    • Seras Lo Que Quieras Ser – (Spanish)


      This book will teach you how you can be the person you want to be, how you can reach goals and be inspired by them. It teaches confidence in your self: how to get it, use it and keep it. It teaches enthusiasm: the strength that motivates us and will pushes us to action. And it shows you how to keep going with a positive attitude.

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    • Letters Of James And Peter


      In the Letters of James and Peter, noted Scottish Bible interpreter William Barclay follows the formula of the Daily Study Bible by first giving the text for the day’s study in his own translation, and two or three pages of commentary.

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    • Letter To The Hebrews


      In The Letter to the Hebrews, noted Scottish Bible interpreter William Barclay follows the formula of the Daily Study Bible by first giving the text of the day’s study in his own translation, followed by two or three pages of commentary.

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    • 2nd Book Of Kings


      Canon Robinson continues the narrative started in the volume of First Kings.

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    • How God Deals With Evil


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664241278ISBN10: 0664241271W. Sibley TownerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1976Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Historical Tradition In The Fourth Gospel


      In his sequel to The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, the author returns to his topic of study to examine the strain of common tradition on which the unknown author worked.

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    • Diccionario Manual De La Bibli – (Spanish)


      This dictionary is widely known and appreciated for it’s ease of use and profound statements of the principal biblical themes, accompanied by photographs and maps.

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    • 5 Books On Consideration


      SKU (ISBN): 9780879077372ISBN10: 0879077379Bernard Of Clairvaux | Translator: John Anderson | Translator: Elizabeth KennanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1976Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Tongue : A Creative Force


      Words Are The Most Powerful Things in the Universe!

      The words you speak will either put you over in life or hold you in bondage. Many people have been held captive in their circumstances by their own words. The absence of God’s Word in your life will rob you of faith in His ability.

      Receive From God!
      Put yourself in a position to receive God’s best for you by speaking His Word. God’s creative power is still just as it was in the beginning of time when He stood there and said, “Light-be,” and light was. His Word spoken from your mouth and conceived in your heart becomes a spiritual force releasing His ability within you.

      Creative Power In You!
      Man was created in the image of God and His likeness. Learn to speak His faith-filled words to your situation and see your life transformed. Allow God’s creative power to flow from you.

      “I have told My people they can have what they say, but My people are saying what they have.”

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    • Types In Genesis


      Manufactured On Demand Title

      Andrew Jukes presents a fscinating look at the many figures of spiritual truth in the book of Genesis. He shows that these figures contain spiritual insights for Christian living and for understanding the ways of God more fully. In the preface Jukes states,”Many are aware that the Books of Moses deal largely in typical representations, that is, figures of spiritual things, both facts and doctrines, of the Christian dispensation. We cannot read St. Paul without percieving that he saw far more in Genesis than a mere letter.”

      The Rev. David M. Jones observes that Types in Genesis “is not to be examined for history…It is spiritual. It’s the reading of events and applying to them also a spiritual meaning. Types In Genesis, at this level, has no rival in my library.”

      Here is a book with spiritual warmth and depth. The pastor, student, and layperson alike will find many helpful insights in this classic work.

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    • Ezekiel Everymans Bible Commentary


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802420268ISBN10: 0802420265Ralph AlexanderBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1976Everymans Bible CommentaryPublisher: Moody Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • Senor Hazme Llorar – (Spanish)


      This book is the moving, and often times offensive, true story of Cookie Rodrigues and how she found something she longed for even more than her addiction to heroine.

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