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    • 1st Book Of Samuel


      Summarizes the place of this book in the Old Testament canon, its relationship with history and its theological purpose. A final brief section considers the theological message today of this account of the beginnings of the line of David.

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    • Golden Epistle


      SKU (ISBN): 9780879077129ISBN10: 0879077123William Of Saint-Thierry | Translator: Theodore BerkeleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1971Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Form Criticism Of The Old Testament


      Because of its long oral tradition the Old Testament includes an array of different literary types and compositions. Analysis of these genres in the biblical material is known as form criticism. Gene Tucker draws on contemporary speech patterns to illustrate how the scholar pinpoints various categories or genres. The basic principles of form criticism are outlined and many biblical examples given. The story of Jacob’s struggle at the Jabbok and the prophetic literature are treated in detail. While form criticism does not solve all the interpreter’s problems, it forms an essential tool for exegesis and for recovering the living history of Old Testament literature.

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    • 4 Loves


      SKU (ISBN): 9780156329309ISBN10: 0156329301C. S. LewisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1971Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

      1 in stock

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    • Sin A Print On Demand Title


      Berkouwer is known for the tone of praise and worship that runs throughout his entire theology. As he states in this volume, “The purpose of a song of praise is obviously that we should sing along and not get bogged down in extraneous and speculative problems. For the man who is mired deeply in problems can only relativize and disharmonize his song of victory.”

      That statement is a key for understanding this truly remarkable book on the utterly somber and serious business of man’s sin. Joy, doxology, and biblical piety are the earmarks of Berkouwer’s discussion from cover to cover. He argues, in the light of Scripture, that there can be no meaning in the meaningless or sense in the senseless, or rationality in that which is intrinsically irrational. To say that there can be can only detract from the awfulness of sin and the magnitude of God’s forgiveness. Therefore it can only impinge upon our piety. The proper response to sin is a true confession of my guilt; for the man who truly confesses is truly forgiven. Joy and doxology find place when sin is taken with a real, very biblical seriousness.

      From this vantage point the author rejects the notions of monism, dualism, and a demonological explanation for man’s sin. He wants nothing to do with a “phenomenology of evil” which sees sin as self-evident. In the light of the salvation that has come we can only speak of our sins that remain as a riddle. Berkouwer’s view is a wholesome foil to contemporary concepts that refers to man’s “estrangement,” “alienation,” and “incompacity,” and have little or nothing to say about his guilt. He eschews the language of causality, since “self-exculpation dogs the heels of any explanation for our sin.” His interests are biblical and doxological, and precisely therefore he denies the concepts of realism and federalism as developed in Reformed orthodox theology.

      “Original sin” is no datum that is “with us,” and is certainly no “alien guilt”; much rather, it is known in our own involvement in sin. Nothing, not even faith, can shed a particle of light on the truly enigmatic character of evil. Thus piety and doxology unlock the door for understanding why Berkouwer rejects a number of false alternatives or problems in this book. Typical are the problems of monism and dualism, inactual and actual wills of God, the law and the gospel, cum verbo and per verbum, the wrath of God and his love, his justice and his mercy, Adam and Christ. God’s wrath is seen in the service of his

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    • Colossians Everymans Bible Commentary


      Designed for laypeople, this commentary deals seriously with the biblical text on Colossians without being overly technical. Introductory information, doctrinal themes, problem passages, and practical applications are examined.

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    • Ephesians Everymans Bible Commentary


      With the ecumenical movement gaining impetus in today’s world, ecclesiological discussions are common. What does church actually mean? Is it a visible organization or a spiritual organism? Who makes up its membership? Nearly two centuries ago, the apostle Paul spoke on these and similar issues in his letter to the Ephesian believers…

      This encouraging commentary focuses on a Pauline epistle that nearly bursts at the seams with life-changing doctrine. The scriptural concept of election, inspiring teachings on the doctrine and duties of the church, and other highlights from the New Testament letter receive careful attention.

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    • Teaching Ministry Of The Church


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664249106ISBN10: 0664249108Binding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1971Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Pilgrims Progress In Todays English


      20 Chapters

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      “Now, as they approached, Mr. Greatheart drew his sword to defend the women and children….”

      Feel like the only person with struggles in the Christian life? Wonder if anyone else has traveled the same road? Millions of Christians have cherished John Bunyan’s allegorical tale of the journey Christian and Christina made to the Celestial City. Written in the 1600s, this immortal classic is now available in a modern-day, understandable text.

      Christian leaves his home in the City of Destruction and begins a long journey to the Celestial City. His adventure is full of encounters with interesting people such as Faithful, Hopeful, and Ignorance. Traveling through places such as Vanity Fair and the Valley of the Shadow of Death, he reaches his heavenly home but learns rich lessons during the journey. The story has immediate application to everyday life.

      Later on, Christian’s wife, Christina, decides to join her husband in the Celestial City. As she travels, Christina comes upon a different set of people–Greatheart, Mercy, Honesty, and others. Her story illustrates how Christians follow different paths but with the same destination-eternity with Jesus.

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    • Sermons On The Song Of Songs Volume 1


      These eighty-six sermons are among the most famous and most beautiful examples of medieval scriptural exegesis. In them the modern reader can catch a glimpse of the genius an entire generation found irresistible.

      Volumes available singly or as a set.

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    • I And Thou


      Today considered a landmark of twentieth-century intellectual history, I and Thou is also one of the most important books of Western theology. In it, Martin Buber, heavily influenced by the writings of Frederich Nietzsche, united the proto-Existentialists currents of modern German thought with the Judeo-Christian tradition, powerfully updating faith for modern times. Since its first appearance in German in 1923, this slender volume has become one of the epoch-making works of our time. Not only does it present the best thinking of one of the greatest Jewish minds in centuries, but has helped to mold approaches to reconciling God with the workings of the modern world and the consciousness of its inhabitants.

      This work is the centerpiece of Buber’s groundbreaking philosophy. It lays out a view of the world in which human beings can enter into relationships using their innermost and whole being to form true partnerships. These deep forms of rapport contrast with those that spring from the Industrial Revolution, namely the common, but basically unethical, treatment of others as objects for our use and the incorrect view of the universe as merely the object of our senses, experiences. Buber goes on to demonstrate how these interhuman meetings are a reflection of the human meeting with God. For Buber, the essence of biblical religion consists in the fact that — regardless of the infinite abyss between them — a dialogue between man and God is possible.

      Ecumenical in its appeal, I and Thou nevertheless reflects the profound Talmudic tradition from which it has emerged. For Judaism, Buber’s writings have been of revolutionary importance. No other writer has so shaken Judaism from parochialism and applied it so relevantly to the problems and concerns of contemporary men. On the other hand, the fundamentalist Protestant movement in this country has appropriated Buber’s “I and Thou encounter” as the implicit basis of its doctrine of immediate faith-based salvation. In this light, Martin Buber has been viewed as the Jewish counterpart to Paul Tillich.

      This is the original English translation, available in America only in this hardcover edition of I and Thou. Martin Buber considered Ronald Smith’s the best of the English translations and it was prepared in the author’s presence. The more poetic rendering, this translation can be looked at as the King James Version of Buber’s I and Thou.

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    • Parsing Guide To The Greek New Testament


      Here is a welcome tool for students who need some help in working their way through the Greek New Testament. It will save time in searching for forms in the current analytical lexicons. Only verbs and words that are characteristic of verbs are parsed. A verb parsing gives the person, number, tense, voice, mood, root, and meaning. This parsing guide follows the twenty-fifth edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek text. It was designed for use by seminary students, Bible colleges, New Testament scholars, ministers, and Bible translators.

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    • Handbook On Holy Spirit Baptism


      37 Chapters

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      What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
      What is speaking in tongue?
      Are miracles for today?
      How to receive the Holy Spirit
      Overcoming hindrances to receiving the Spirit
      How to tell a counterfeit experience
      Why should I speak in tongues?

      You will experience a new power to witness and more power in prayer as you find the Scriptures coming alive to you. Discover all of the life-changing benefits God wants to give you today!

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    • Exposition On The Song Of Songs


      SKU (ISBN): 9780879073473ISBN10: 0879073470William Of Saint-Thierry | Translator: M. Columba HartBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1970Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Liturgical Sermons Volume 1 Guerric Of Igny


      SKU (ISBN): 9780879072087ISBN10: 0879072083Guerric Of Igny | Monks At Mount St. Bernard AbbeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1970Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Sunday School Attendance Book


      Attendance record for 48 members for one year, plus information about each member.

      7 in stock

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    • Christian Family


      1. God’s Order For Mates
      2. God’s Order For Wives
      3. God’s Order For Children
      4. God’s Order For Parents
      5. God’s Order For Husbands
      6. Jesus, The Family’s Savior And Lord
      7. The Priesthood Of Parents
      8. Our Family, A Witness For Jesus

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      America’s bestselling book on Christian family living.

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    • Galatians Everymans Bible Commentary


      Freedom, a concept which is often misunderstood today, actually involves a great deal of responsibility, love for others, and burden-bearing. In this letter to the Galatian churches, the apostle Paul spoke out on Christian liberty and freedom.

      In this commentary, the author captures the emotion of a concerned apostle as he invites enslaved Christians to renounce a legalistic pattern of living and return to the liberty found in the life of faith. Matters of introduction and each of the epistle’s subjects receive thorough attention.

      Discussions of the meanings, tenses, and uses of the original Greek text of the epistle make this New Testament masterpiece come alive for the citizen of the twenty-first century. Scholarly, but easily understood, this commentary will help the reader discover and enjoy genuine freedom.

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    • Late Great Planet Earth


      The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the “no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade.” For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey’s blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding — all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey’s insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you’re a church-going believer or someone who wouldn’t darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that’s unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet

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    • Jesus Means Freedom


      Here is a book that “tells it like it is” regarding what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in today’s world. It is a book that rigorously affirms the freedom of the Christian person, and just as rigorously refutes those who would restrict or negate this freedom in the name of Christian orthodoxy. The author, whose insights were shaped by the agonies of serving as a pastor during the Hitler years in Germany as well as by the discipline of years of careful research in the area of Christian origins, provides here a survey that gets to the heart of the New Testament message. He is ruthlessly honest with himself, with the New Testament, and with the church, as he strives passionately to show that Jesus means freedom – and that this has been so from the beginning.

      Despite its roots in the experience of the German church in the decades following World War II, Kasemann’s work has a broad and enduring relevance. The crisis with which he is concerned is not uniquely that of the German church but affects Christianity throughout the world. It is his conviction that only if the church proclaims boldly the call to freedom that was the Lord’s call, and lives in that freedom, can the church remain true to its Lord and of service to humanity.

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    • From Lost To Found


      Do you “have it all” and wonder why you still feel empty? Are you facing struggles that you cannot overcome alone? Discover God’s transformational grace and a path to peace and healing from marriage and family therapist Nicole Zasowski.

      Nicole felt her greatest joy was to help her clients know their inherent value and safety. What she could not see was that she was personally missing out on the peace she was so passionate about helping others find. She had no idea that coping behaviors she had relied on since childhood–performing, control, and independence–held her identity and sense of security together and only numbed the broken parts of her that needed healing. She lived her life from a deep belief that peace and joy could be found only on the far side of a dream realized, a change of venue, or a goal achieved.

      But as Nicole would discover, the coping behaviors we adopt in order to protect ourselves from pain in our early years become barriers to meaning and connection later in life. When she faced multiple miscarriages, a devastating diagnosis, relational struggles, a cross-country move, and a job change, these protective behaviors failed. In the midst of pain, Nicole discovered that the unlikely path to healing begins when we release the protective behaviors we once trusted and find ourselves with open hands to receive what we need in the transforming reality of God’s grace. Through vulnerable storytelling, wise teaching, and thought-provoking questions, Nicole guides readers to consider their own pain and coping behaviors and points them toward healing truths.

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    • Paul As Apostle To The Gentiles


      The author competently demonstrates that the equality of Jew and Gentile is the main subject matter of Paul’s soteriological argument in his letter to the Romans. Chae argues that it is Paul’s self-awareness of being an apostle to the Gentiles that has significantly influenced the shape, content and structure of his inclusive argument. Thus he offers an important alternative to the prevailing post-Holocaust interpretation of Romans and of Paul.

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    • God After God


      Karl Barth is recognized throughout the world as the twentieth century’s leading Protestant theologian. His thought has determined much of the shape of today’s Christian thinking, yet it is thoroughly misunderstood. He is a systematic theologian who writes with great complexity and in a scholastic vein.

      This fine and lucid study isolates Barth’s most specific themes and focuses on the relevance of his radically trinitarian doctrine of God to the post-religious situation. The book opens with a discussion of the death of historical religion and Barth’s early attempts to deal with the decline of belief in a transcendent God contrasted with contemporary views of the situation. It goes on to treat Barth’s further studies, especially his attack on the theology of religion, and there is a discussion in depth of Barth’s doctrine of the Trinity as a definition of God. It concludes with an analysis of the different interpretations that can be have been made of Barth’s theology.

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    • Occult Practices And Beliefs


      52 Chapters In 156 Pages

      Additional Info
      Occultism is on the move! What can be done to resist the devil in his strategy to ensnare his victims? Who can withstand such a strategist and tactician? Kurt Koch’s years of ministry and study on demonic and occultic activity well qualify him to discuss these 47 forms of occultism, such as astrology, clairvoyance, fortune-telling, hypnosis, psychoanalysis, spiritism, yoga and others.
      The author also offers the freedom that is available through Christ, together with many actual case-histories and first-hand experiences, as he reviews the New Testament teaching on deliverance.

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    • Amos : A Commentary


      This volume, a part of the Old Testament Library series, explores the book of Amos.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Isaiah 40-66 : A Commentary


      Internationally renowned scholar Brevard Childs writes on what is arguably the Old Testament’s most important theological book-Isaiah. Childs provides a fresh translation from the original Hebrew and discusses questions of text, language, historical background, and literary architecture. His critically informed, theological interpretaion of the text provides a creative and reading of Isaiah.

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    • Sacraments A Print On Demand Title


      The Sacraments is the tenth work to appear in the American edition of Berkouwer’s monumental Studies in Dogmatics. In it the author examines, explicates, and defends the Reformed teaching on the sacraments in the light of the Word of God and church theology. In the process, Berkouwer discusses and evaluates the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and various contemporary views of the sacraments.

      His method is to construct a general concept of the “sacraments” first, during which he takes into consideration the sacraments proper (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). He does not seek to analyze the essence of “the sacraments” apart from a consideration of the individual sacraments, for, Berkouwer contends, the nature of the sacraments turns precisely upon the concrete givenness of baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the historical revelation in Christ.

      The study proceeds to deal with the questions of: the number of sacraments, the relation between Word and sacrament, the efficacy of the sacraments in relation to faith, the nature of Christ’s presence in the sacrament, the meaning of “sign and seal,” and the controversial questions of infant baptism and open communion. In treating these issues, Berkouwer sorts out the massive complications that have developed over the years and, with devout faith and unfaltering logic, threads his way between confusion and oversimplification.

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    • Geografia Historica Del Mundo (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      In this revised edition, the reader will find a careful examination of the geography of Bible times that helps the reader understand the Scriptures even more.

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    • Melanchthon And Bucer


      Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works, each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century, contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries. The Library of Christian Classics ensures that this great literature of the Christian heritage is easily available and invites the ongoing development of theology.

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    • Hosea A Commentary


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664208714ISBN10: 0664208711James Mays | Editor: James Mays | Editor: Carol NewsomBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1969Old Testament LibraryPublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Short Life Of Christ


      In this work Professor Harrison does not attempt to retell the events in Christ’s life; rather, he analyzes the outstanding events and features of that life. He combines history, biblical theology, and apologetics in his study of the significant aspects of Christ’s life.

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    • Song Of Ascents


      In this Song of Ascents not one single note is here by right. I deserve nothing; I have everything. God is the heart of this everything. I have everything – everything I need, and more. … What I had – Jesus, God, the Kingdom of God – was all I wanted and needed. I didn’t want anything different. I only wanted more of what I had. (from the Introduction)

      The spiritual autobiography of E. Stanley Jones remains relevant for readers in any age, from any background, of any faith, in any place in the world. Jones’ message centers on the good news of Jesus Christ that Jones lived and preached around the world for 60+ years. This is Jones’ story of coming to know Jesus, following Jesus and proclaiming Jesus. Jones lived and ministered as a missionary throughout India which was his base. In India, he primarily preached to the intellectual class; however, his reach was to all Indians. He also traveled to just about every part of the world preaching Jesus–China, Japan, Europe, South America and the United States.

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    • Floral Art In The Church


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687086139ISBN10: 0687086132Jack InmanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1968Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Pattern Of New Testament Truth A Print On Demand Title


      George Eldon Ladd here addresses the problem of differences and similarities in the theologies of the New Testament writers, and seeks to show in this examination what he calls “the pattern of New Testament truth.”

      The author argues against an overemphasis on Gnosticism in the study of the background of the New Testament. Ladd then goes on to consider a philosophical movement, prevalent during the first century, about which much more is known – Greek dualism, especially as expressed by Plato, Plutarch, and Philo. He points out the differences between Greek and New Testament thought, and goes on to contrast the Greek view of reality with that of the Hebrews, which he concludes to be essentially that of the New Testament. / The unity of the New Testament, Ladd believes, is to be found in the Heilgeschichte, the record of the historical dealings of God with man. The diversity between the Synoptics (Mathew, Mark, and Luke), John, and Paul is a result of different perspectives from which this redemptive event of God is interpreted. A chapter is devoted to each of these viewpoints, giving a detailed analysis of the unity and diversity that manifests itself, and demonstrating that differences are a matter of separate strata or levels of theology rather than of conflicting suppositions.

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    • Broadman Ministers Manual


      9 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Broadman Minister’s Manual is meant to be used as a companion to the Bible and the Hymnbook. It alone may be adequate for use in certain services, such as in some weddings and funerals, but is not meant to be a substitute which may be read from the Bible itself.

      The book is outline by sections so that the materials desire may be easily located. It’s purpose is to provide aid for ministers and others responsible for leading in worship, administering church ordinances, and for a general visitation ministry and counseling.

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    • Exposition Of The Gospel Of John


      An unforgettably beautiful picture of our Lord is drawn for God’s people in the beloved Gospel of John. The promises in this Fourth Gospel have brought to weary hearts down through the centuries the sudden delight of the traveler who, crossing a desert, suddenly comes upon the cool, tranquil comfort of a green-bordered oasis. Thoroughly scholastic and yet vigorously practical, this exposition of the beloved Gospel (a verse-by-verse running commentary) is not a “hasty production.” The author has already devoted fifteen years of special study to John’s Gospel and taught the book to five different classes in the course of as many pastorates besides lecturing on it frequently from the Bibles conference platform. He has diligently sought to do two things (and accomplished them with praiseworthy distinction): (1) obtain from God the meaning of the text, and (2) apply its lessons most effectively to his hearers and readers.

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    • Evangelismo Personal – (Spanish)


      Learn more key verses from the Bible in your efforts at personal evangelism.

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    • Basic Questions In Theology 1


      In this classic collection of essays, Wolfhart Pannenberg gives special focus to the ways in which history, hermeneutics, reason and truth all guide and inform our various attempts at understanding God. This focus, then, offers the reader a unique insight into the revelation of God. Pannenberg writes, “To say that the revelation of God is not a supernatural event which breaks into history perpendicularly from above but rather that it is the theme of history itself, the power that moves it in its deepest dimension, is to say something about God and his relation to the world.”

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    • Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life (Abridged)


      This devotional classic, written by William Law, an eloquent religious teacher of the eighteenth century, was designed to prod indifferent Christians into making an honest effort to live up to what they professed to believe. It has been appreciated in every succeeding generation because of its innate vigor and virility.

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    • Jude Everymans Bible Commentary


      Rich in content and replete with warnings concerning the last days, this epistle of only twenty-five verses has often been neglected by students of God’s Word. Jude: The Acts of the Apostes is a scholarly, practical exposition of this short but important New Testament book.

      The early development of a logical structural outline brings out Jude’s inherent organization and progression of thought. Frequent reference is made to other outstanding commentaries, and difficult passages are clearly discussed. Jude: The Acts of the Apostates is a versatile commentary worthy of study by either the well-trained pastor or the inquiring layman.

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    • Bible Smuggler : The Story Of William Tyndale


      The author explains William Tyndale’s work of translating, printing, and distributing the Scripture. The main character of the story is Collin, William Tyndale’s helper. Collin begins his work as a carries boy in smuggling a copy of Luther’s New Testament to William Tyndale in England. Later he travels with Tyndale to Europe to meet Martin Luther.

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    • Theology Of The Old Testament 2


      This book, the second of two volumes, offers a comprehensive profiling of the theology contained in the Old Testament.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Interpreting The Atonement A Print On Demand Title


      In this widely praised volume Robert H. Culpepper places the doctrine of the atonement at the center of the Christian faith and carries on his discussion of it against the background of a biblical understanding of sin, presenting the Old Testament foundations, the New Testament witness, and various historical interpretations. He concludes with a constructive statement of the doctrine that will serve the reader as well as a guide to a deeper understanding of Christianity and its practice in today’s world.

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    • Baptist Church Manual (Revised)


      1. Nature Of A CHURCH
      2. Officers Of A CHURCH
      3. Doctrines Of A CHURCH
      4. Ordinances Of A CHURCH
      5. The Government Of A CHURCH
      6. The Discipline Of A CHURCH
      7. Duties Of A CHURCH
      8. Business Meetings Of A CHURCH
      9. Forms Of Minutes, Letters, Etc.
      10. Marriage Ceremony
      11. Province Of Associations And Councils
      12. Baptist Declaration Of FAITH

      178 Pages

      Additional Info
      A look at the nature, officers, doctrines, ordinances, government, discipline, and duties of a Baptist church organization. Includes business meetings, forms, a marriage ceremony, and province of associations and councils.

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    • Jeremiah And Lamentations Everymans Bible Commentary


      Jeremiah, previously published as a separate volume, has been combined with Lamentations to provide a carefully organized exposition that reconstructs the historical and cultural backgrounds as well as the vital message of the two Old Testament books.

      Jeremiah is a penetrating analysis of a significant prophetic book regarded as especially relevant to modern times. Lamentations is an appropriate sequel to this book, for it looks back to the event that Jeremiah anticipated, the fall of Jerusalem.

      Using a paragraph-by-paragraph method of analysis, Dr. Jensen explores major units of thought in these biblical books. He effectively uses charts, maps, and informative footnotes to aid the reader’s understanding.

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    • Joshua Everymans Bible Commentary


      This practical analysis of Joshua provides an accurate, helpful commentary on the conquest of the Promised Land by the Israelites. Also helpful is the parallel drawn between the events of Joshua and the principles of Christianity outlined in the New Testament. Written in a simple, nontechnical style, this articulate commentary includes maps, charts, outlines, footnotes, and a valuable bibliography. This is an extrememly helpful book that aids in the understanding of the entire book of Joshua and its spiritual application to present-day Christianity.

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    • Finance Record Book For Small Churches


      Designed for churches with 150 members or less, this record book is simple and easy to use. Charts for money received and paid out keep accurate track of weekly and monthly cash flow, while summaries for yearly expenditures guide in preparing an annual budget. Also includes pages to record the weekly giving of each member.
      Also available in Spanish

      13 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Victorian Church 1


      SKU (ISBN): 9780334024095ISBN10: 0334024099Owen ChadwickBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1966Publisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Cruz Y El Punal – (Spanish)


      David Wilkerson masterfully narrates the true and moving account of his mission among those lost in the world of drugs, crime, and the most horrible sin. Wilkerson spent many hours in New York City, talk of rebirth and rehabilitation to hardened gang members. Once you start reading The Cross and the Switchblade you won’t be able to put it down again. You will live, together with its characters moments of fear, anxiety, pain, and emotion that will bring you from tragedy to joy and back again, from tears to hope, reading about the true and amazing things that took place in this ministry.

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    • Plain Account Of Christian Perfection (Unabridged)


      28 Chapters

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      Loving the Lord our God with all our heart. Now let this perfection appear in its native form, and who can speak one word against it? Will any dare to speak against loving the Lord our God with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourselves? Against a renewal of heart, not only in part, but in the whole image of God? Who is he that will open his mouth against being cleansed from all pollution both of flesh and spirit; or against having all the mind that was in Christ, and walking in all things as Christ walked? What man, who calls himself a Christian, has the hardiness to object to the devoting, not a part, but all our soul, body, and substance to God?

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