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    • Advent And Christmas Wisdom From Saint Francis Of Assisi


      It’s easy to get lost in the bustle of Christmas shopping and holiday parties, losing sight of God. Advent and Christmas Wisdom from St. Francis of Assisi gives readers a momentary cease in the chaos, allowing daily meditation. It is essential in today’s postmodern culture to remember the true purpose of Advent–the preparation for and celebration of the coming of Jesus.

      Each day’s selection offers a new insight from one of the most beloved saints, St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis serves as an appropriate model of virtue during the time of year when it is easy to become caught up in the materialized aspects of the holiday. Through his words, we are reminded of the simplicity in poverty, the reverence of God’s word, of showing gratitude, and practicing forgiveness. Along with the words of St. Francis are daily Scripture readings and prayers that mirror his philosophy. After reflecting, readers will find an Advent action–something simple they can do to keep the words and prayers alive with them throughout the day.

      Christians looking for a way to energize their holiday practices will cherish this guide to refocusing on the true “reason for the season,” the birth of Christ.

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    • When Christmas Came


      If you’ve ever wanted to hold on to Christmas — the warmth, the generosity, the sacred amazement — you will cherish this stirring exploration of its deepest and most lasting meanings. The substance of Christmas is revealed with life in poignant prose and vivid watercolors. Nestle deep into this simple meditation on the season and its Giver, and recapture the wonder of the moment.

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    • Loves Pure Light


      Light is an integral symbol in the Christian faith, especially during Christmas. The light of a single candle can disperse the deepest darkness, bringing warmth, comfort, and illumination. The soft, warm candlelight at a Christmas Eve service creates an atmosphere of worship and reverence as congregations celebrate the arrival of the Light of the world.
      Love’s Pure Light is a collection of insightful Christmas sermons delivered at Susquehanna University between 1997 and 2006. This book offers pastors a valuable source of inspiration for Christmas sermon preparation. Love’s Pure Light also includes an order of service, providing congregations with a complete Christmas candlelight worship experience.
      Love’s Pure Light will be a welcome addition to congregations of any size, aiding them in perceiving the power of the Light of Christmas in a deeper and more dynamic way.

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    • Great Candy Cane Caper


      The Great Candy Cane Caper is one in a series of stories that chronicles the history of reindeer at the Christmas Village at the North Pole. In The Great Candy Cane Caper, two innocent young reindeer, PJ and Zipper, fall into the clutches of a twisted elf, Baddey Twoshoes, who has a sinister plot to destroy Christmas for the entire world. Outsiders are given a rare glimpse into how things really work in the Christmas village, including the unusual effect candy cane has on reindeer. The antics of the village reindeer and elves will delight the reader and leave everyone wondering if there is any way to unravel the sinister plot of Dr. Twoshoes and save Christmas.

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    • Let The Bells Ring Out On Christmas Morning


      Selected from among approximately 1,700 poems that Ralph Vile, a Christian layman and former schoolteacher of Luray, Virginia, wrote over a period of more than fifty years, this book focuses on the holiday during which Christians throughout the world observe the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Drawing from the Biblical accounts, Ralph reflects on what it means that Jesus came to earth and on what it would mean if He had chosen not to do so. The volume includes, “The Christmas Tree,” “Let the Bells Ring Out,” “The Christmas Gospel Story,” and many others that have touched those who have read them. Written for individuals who want to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, this volume reflects the love, the joy, and the hope of God’s greatest gift to mankind and points to the redemption that the crucified and risen Savior provides to all who believe in Him.

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    • Come Thou Long Expected Jesus


      Advent and Christmas meditations based on the seasonal hymns of Charles Wesley. Each daily meditation, keyed to the scripture reading for the day and portions of Wesley’s texts, concludes with a brief prayer based on the day’s theme. Reflective material place Wesley within his rich Anglican heritage. Daily readings are between 500-600 words in length.

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    • Animals Christmas Eve


      In the barn on Christmas Eve,
      After all the people leave,
      The animals, in voices low,
      Remember Christmas long ago . . .

      So begins a sweet rhyming story in which a group of animals recounts the events surrounding JesusO birth in the manger, and the parts some of their ancestors played in it. This is also a counting book.

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    • Legend Of The North Star


      “The Legend of the North Star (Little Dot Makes a Wish)” is an imaginative children’s story about a little dot left behind after God created the stars. The dot wants to be like other stars, so Luminaria, the wisest of all stars, grants the dot its wish and helps it discover its real purpose as the Star of Bethlehem. The story is formatted both as a narrative that can be read by a storyteller and as a play that can be performed by a narrator and numerous children.

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    • 12 Days Of Christmas


      The twelve days of Christmas run from December 26 to January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, the date on which we traditionally recall the Magin’s arrival to present gifts to the infant Jesus. For many, the sacred meaning of these days is lost. By Christmas night we are saturated with the holiday hype, overfed with music and food, and maybe quite disappointed that the presents we received have not fulfilled us. Almquist invites readers to go deeper than the tinsel and wrappings to the source of all the good gifts in life: love, forgiveness, joy, hope, and so on. These are gifts that, once unwrapped, will last and satisfy our spiritual cravings.

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    • God Gave Us Christmas


      As Little Cub and her family prepare to celebrate the most special day of the year, the curious young polar bear has something on her mind: Who invented Christmas?” she asked. “Is God more important than Santa?”

      Her questions reflect the confusion of so many children during the holiday season. And this heartwarming story takes them on a wonderful journey of discovery – right to the heart of Christmas.

      To help her child understand more about God and why he “invented” Christmas, Mama Bear takes Little Cub on a polar expedition. Along the way they find many signs that God is close by: the dancing lights of the northern skies, an early morning star, the power of a mighty glacier.

      Through Mama’s gentle guidance, Little Cub learns that God loves her and everyone – polar bear, moose, or human – so much that he gave us Jesus, the very best gift of all.

      Sequel to God Gave Us You and God Gave Us Two.

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    • Christmas Offerings


      SKU (UPC): 083061082826Artist: Third DayMedia: CDReleased: October 2006Provident Distribution Songs

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    • Come Lord Jesus


      Here are timeless reflections for each day of Advent to help us prepare in mind and heart for the Coming of Our Lord Jesus. The Gospel is given for each day (in the case of Sundays, a choice has been made from the A, B and C cycles of readings), while short commentaries chosen from the writings of one of the Saints or Fathers connect us in our reflection directly to the Early Church, further aided by biographical notes on each writer and by concluding prayers, also from the Saints and Fathers to focus our thoughts more deeply. Pope Benedict XVI, when he writes about Advent, says that there are two main figures which dominate this liturgical time: John the Baptist and Mary. In a very special way, this book helps us join with them in awaiting the coming of the Messiah.

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    • Man Who Saved Christmas


      Christmas-only days away; plastic snowmen and glowing reindeer adorn the lawns of neighborhoods all across America. All is calm, all is bright, and yet there is something tragically wrong about this Christmas night. With swift passage through Congress, the Anti-Intolerance legislation was signed into law prohibiting the public display of religious symbols. The traditional centerpiece enjoyed by millions every Christmas, the Nativity Scene, is now gone. This is one of those perennial issues that often stir emotions to the brink. But taking a lighter approach to the argument, wouldn’t it be fun if, somehow, through some bizarre chain of events, the person who most fervently opposes open displays of religion, became the mouthpiece from which a fictitious law like the Anti-Intolerance bill, was overturned? This story brings to life a witty rendition of the political struggles fought every December over something as humble and yet powerful as the display of the Nativity Scene.

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    • No Stable Too Small


      Here’s a collection of humorous, down-to-earth plays that bring a fresh perspective to the Christmas story through such creative devices as imagining the thoughts and feelings of fringe characters (like an innkeeper or a servant to one of the magi) or by updating the story with contemporary settings and characters. No Stable Too Small offers a variety of practical material for any situation, ranging from shorter plays with small casts and lines that can be easily mastered by younger children to more elaborate pieces with sophisticated themes for older children and adults. And they’re ideal for use with today’s young people — the dialogue reflects the way they really talk, yet never detracts from the biblical message.

      These flexible scenes offer a mix of speaking parts for all age groups, from preschool through adult, and are especially valuable for small congregations that lack the resources to mount large-scale productions. No sets are required, and only simple costumes and minimal props are needed. The plays can be performed by smaller churches with as few as 8-10 cast members, or parts can be easily divided to accommodate groups as large as 25-30. And with a running time of approximately 20-25 minutes each, it’s easy to fit them within a Christmas Eve or Advent Sunday worship service.

      Some of the charming presentations include:
      * Love Finds a Way
      * It Wasn’t the Hilton, You Know
      * Christmas Eve at Angel School
      * Because God Said So, That’s Why
      * No Small Parts
      * “Unto Us a Child Is Born”… Next on Omar
      * Miracles? No Problem!
      …and eight more!

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    • Sampsons First Christmas


      Sampson’s First Christmas is a charming play that’s perfect for a holiday children’s program in small congregations. The story details the attempts of Sampson Squirrel to discover Christmas. After overhearing a conversation between the rustic characters of Ma and Pa, Sampson asks his forest friends where to find this wonderful place. When they are unable to help, Ma and Pa show Sampson the true meaning of Christmas.

      This adaptable piece can accommodate any number of actors, and can be presented as a play, a puppet show, or a readers’ theater. The characters, plot, and message appeal to all ages, with dialogue that’s easy for youngsters to learn and memorize. Costumes are affordable and easy to assemble — and clear and concise directions with reproducible patterns are provided to help you make distinctive animal hats that children will love. Instructions are also included for creating simple Christmas tree decorations that accentuate the animal theme. With all these craft ideas plus production suggestions, Sampson’s First Christmas is bound to be a hit with your church!

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    • Christmas Journey : Advent Christmas Resources


      This complete set of seasonal material offers everything you need for an exciting Advent and Christmas program. With dramatic monologues, sermons, children’s messages and worship liturgies, a Sunday school program, and a pair of Christmas Eve candlelight services, there’s something for everyone, whatever your congregation’s size or worship style.

      An Unlikely Cast (Alan E. Siewert) is a set of dramatic monologues that reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of five characters who were deeply involved in the unfolding divine drama of the nativity: Joseph, Mary, John the Baptist, the innkeeper, and a shepherd. The monologues can be used in midweek Advent services, special programs, or Sunday morning worship. Staging and costuming suggestions are included, to help you bring these exciting accounts to life.

      The Colors Of Christmas (H. Michael Nehls) is a creative series of six sermons and children’s messages in which each week features a different color. The sermons use the color idea to stress such Christian themes as royalty, sacrifice, and holiness, while the children’s messages utilize the inventive device of passing out ribbon swatches of the color of the day; as the youngsters receive the various ribbons, they can collect a “ribbon rainbow.”

      Is This The Road To Bethlehem? (Judy Gattis Smith) is an Advent worship liturgy in which children are the main participants. The centerpiece is an “action/sermon” featuring six brief readings using illustrative wooden figures. All the elements of a typical worship service are present — but in a manner that focuses on the interests and expressions of children, allowing them to experience worship rather than just listen and watch.

      Producing Christmas (Jennifer Hockenberry Dragseth) is a humorous children’s play which casts the Christmas story as the ultimate Hollywood blockbuster. Everyone wants to be a part of the big movie — and they all have ideas about how to make it a hit, only to finally learn why the coming of the Christ child is truly the “greatest story ever told.” With participants ranging in age from junior high to preschoolers, this flexible piece is perfect for a brief Sunday school program.

      A Christmas Journey and Christmas Letters (Rod Tkach) are imaginative Christmas Eve services weaving together carols, prayers, scripture readings, and several brief meditations. In A Christmas Journey, the reflections guide worshipers on a journey from being home alone to the ultimate destination of the

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    • Platinum Toddler Collection (DVD)


      Welcome to the very special Platinum Toddler Collection from Cedarmont Kids! All the well-loved songs from the individual DVDs Toddler Tunes, Preschool Songs, and Silly Songs are all together in one collection. In this live action sing-along set, you’ll get 64 back-to-back music videos for kids, over 90 minutes, on 3 full-length DVDs. Recommended for ages 2 to 5.

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    • Run Shepherds Run


      The Advent season is filled with rich themes that have fascinated poets. In Run, Shepherds, Run, Bill Countryman presents a poem a day for devotional reading during Advent and theTwelve Days of Christmas. Readers will find classic poets they know and love, including George Herbert, John Donne, Christina Rossetti, Emily Dickinson, and Alfred, Lord Tennyson, as well as contemporary poets, known and unknown.

      Run, Shepherds, Run includes helpful hints for reading poetry, for those who have less experience reading it than others, as well as useful annotations to help readers with older language that may not have easily apparent meanings for today’s readers.

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    • Dawn Of The Messiah


      Perhaps the story of Christ’s birth has become almost too familiar. We’ve heard the story so many times that it fails to shock us: the appearances of the angel, a virgin giving birth, a child placed in a manger, the arrival of shepherds and magi.

      “But what if we had never heard the story before?” Edward Sri asks. “What if we were first-century Jews hearing this plot for the first time?” Only two Gospels give any details about the birth of the Messiah, but these chapters are packed with allusions to Old Testament stories and prophecies that any contemporary Jew would have recognized.

      Today’s reader, unfamiliar with the ancient Jewish world, misses the significance of many details in these accounts. This book bridges that gap, explaining the original context of every line and detail in the biblical stories. Sri not only helps us understand an earlier and pivotal time and place, he also brings us to a deeper understanding of the great mystery of God’s entry into the world as one of us.

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    • Beastly Christmas : A Comedy For All Ages


      Centering around the theme of the familiar song “The Friendly Beasts,” this intriguing program depicts what the animals who witnessed Jesus’ birth might really have been thinking — if they had human minds. There’s humorous interplay among camels, sheep, cows, and the donkey that carried the pregnant Mary as they share their unique perspective on the nativity. This complete presentation allows many different parts of the congregation to participate; speaking roles can be performed in a readers’ theater format by adults or youth, young children can portray the humans at the manger in a silent tableau, and musical selections allow the choir to be involved as well. A special feature is more than 70 reproducible drawings that can be projected for audience viewing. (Purchase of this book includes access to a downloadable PowerPoint file for use in performances.) This adaptable drama is ideal for use not only in church settings, but also in schools or for children’s programs.

      A five-copy package of supplementary coloring books for young children based on the imagery in the PowerPoint file is also available.

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    • Night Before : Two Christmas Eve Services With Childrens Sermons


      Comprised of two compelling services plus a pair of delightful children’s messages, this complete set of Christmas Eve resources provides everything you need to create a special worship experience that your congregation will remember long after the holiday decorations have been stored away.

      A Christmas Gift contemplates Christmas Eve’s mixture of madness and magic through a creative weaving together of carols, prayers, scripture readings, and several brief meditations. By highlighting some of the diverse moments, memories, and traditions that contribute to the gift of Christmas, this worship service evokes the powerful mystery and miracle of the nativity.

      O Come, Emmanuel is a moving candlelight service which utilizes the ancient antiphons of Advent to explore the longing behind our search for the Messiah. As the service unfolds, the singing and reading of each antiphon leads worshipers to reflect on the hopes and desires that bring us to Bethlehem, culminating in the joyful announcement that God has come among us. The service employs two readers and a solo quartet, along with congregational singing of several traditional hymns. An original choral arrangement of the Christmas antiphon is included.

      Two inspiring messages for the “children’s moment” are also included. Featuring an interactive, conversational style that involves young people, these lessons can be used with either service or separately. One message helps children think about where Jesus might be in their town or neighborhood if he were born today, while the other celebrates how Christ’s birth draws us all together.

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    • Glory In Our Midst


      Explores the key themes of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and Candlemas, setting them with a liturgical context. Can be read cover to cover or used meditatively throughout Advent and Christmas.

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    • Letters From Father Christmas


      Every December an envelope bearing a stamp from the North Pole would arrive for J.R.R. Tolkien’s children. Inside would be a letter in a strange, spidery handwriting and a beautiful colored drawing or painting. The letters were from Father Christmas.
      They told wonderful tales of life at the North Pole: how the reindeer got loose and scattered presents all over the place; how the accident-prone North Polar Bear climbed the North Pole and fell through the roof of Father Christmas’s house into the dining room; how he broke the Moon into four pieces and made the Man in it fall into the back garden; how there were wars with the troublesome horde of goblins who lived in the caves beneath the house, and many more.
      No reader, young or old, can fail to be charmed by Tolkien’s inventiveness in this classic holiday treat.

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    • Let Every Heart Prepare


      Unique devotional resources to enrich four major seasons of the church year: Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

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    • Christmas Treasures : A Collection Of Congregational Resources For Advent C


      This anthology provides an ample selection of seasonal worship, drama, and children’s resources by popular authors from a variety of denominations. Whatever your congregation’s size or worship style, you’re sure to find something in Christmas Treasures to help you create memorable Advent and Christmas services. Copying privileges are included for all segments.

      Litany For Advent And Christmas Candle Lighting provides brief responsive prayers and creative congregational activities for the four Sundays of Advent, Christmas Eve, and Epiphany. It’s excellent for worship services or as a Sunday school opener.

      Christmas Treasures offers three sets of short readings and prayers for the candle lighting portion of Advent and Christmas Eve services. Each 2-3 minute narrative links aspects of the nativity with events in our modern lives, both global and personal, and challenges worshipers to reflect on current issues and respond in ways that glorify the Lord.

      Six Christmas Testimonies depicts the Christmas events and their meaning from the viewpoint of John the Baptist, a magus, the innkeeper, Joseph, a shepherd, and Mary. Especially powerful when read in sequence, these concise dramatic readings are an excellent way to have members participate in Advent or Christmas Eve worship services.

      The Christmas Gift utilizes a creative approach to the seasonal children’s program — a “talent show” is cleverly included as part of a simple yet powerful play based on Luke’s Christmas scripture. It’s a practical presentation for any size congregation — many of the speaking roles have only a few lines, and some parts can be combined. A prop list, set diagram, and sample rehearsal schedule are included to aid novice directors. Performance time is approximately 15 minutes (plus talent show time).

      Who Are You In Bethlehem? and The Promise are two dramatic presentations for the entire congregation with roles that can be performed by any age. Each combines the reading of scripture and singing of familiar hymns with brief narrations to telling the Bethlehem story, focusing on how we respond to the Savior — asking us if we have truly welcomed the babe into our hearts. These inspirational services are flexible enough to be performed by as many participants as are available without requiring extensive memorization.

      Revelations Of Jesus, Given From Heaven/Received On Earth, Nativity, and If It Happened Today are four flexible, Bible-based plays with parts for young peopl

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    • Songs For A Savior


      This comprehensive resource of five sermons with complete worship services provides a solid, thematically integrated worship and preaching program for Advent and Christmas Eve. It celebrates the deep songs of faith which result from personal encounters with Jesus Christ. The four Advent messages examine biblical personalities, revealing in their experiences real struggles as well as profound joy. You’ll explore how Zechariah wrestled to believe what the angel told him concerning the birth of his son; how the prophets searched for God’s Word of hope in times of personal and social ferment; how Mary was willing to sacrifice her life for God’s purpose; and how the birth of Jesus, heralded by the angels and confirmed by the shepherds, combined fear and joy with divine music.

      In the final sermon (for Christmas Eve), Oliver links those accounts with our contemporary lives by asking what our personal response will be to the birth of the Savior. Will we allow a song of faith to arise in our lives, in our families, churches, and community?

      Illustrated with poignant stories and anecdotes, the sermons in Songs For A Savior invite us to hear again the truly Good News — that our song of faith is not so much what we create for God, as how we respond to meeting the Savior and receiving God’s gift of salvation through Jesus.

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    • Christmastide : Prayers For Advent Through Epiphany From The Divine Hours


      “A welcome remedy for the increasing number of lay Christians who have rediscovered the daily offices. Tickle puts each day’s prayers, psalms, readings, and refrains-everything you need-in one place. The rhythm that Tickle’s book establishes gives one a stronger sense of participating in an ancient, worldwide but very personal liturgy.”
      -Nora Gallagher, beliefnet.com, and author of Things Seen and Unseen: A Year Lived in Faith

      The third and final volume in a trilogy of prayer manuals compiled by Publishers Weekly religion editor Phyllis Tickle as a contemporary Book of Hours to guide Christians gently yet authoritatively through the daily offices.

      The Divine Hours is the first major literary and liturgical reworking of the sixth-century Benedictine Rule of fixed-hour prayer. This beautifully conceived and thoroughly modern three-volume guide will appeal to the theological novice as well as to the ecclesiastical sophisticate. Making primary use of the Book of Common Prayer and the writings of the Church Fathers, The Divine Hours is also a companion to the New Jerusalem Bible, from which it draws its Scripture readings. The trilogy blends prayer and praise in a way that, while extraordinarily fresh, respects and builds upon the ancient wisdom of Christianity.

      The third and final book in the set, Prayers for Springtime, provides prayers, psalms, and readings for this season associated with rebirth. Compact, with deluxe endpapers, it is perfect for those seeking greater spiritual depth. As a contemporary Book of Hours, The Divine Hours: Prayers for Springtime heralds a renewal of the tradition of disciplined daily prayer, and gives those already using the first two volumes the completion they are seeking. With this volume, the series culminates with three prayer manuals encompassing the liturgical and calendar year with the offices for every day.

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    • Seasoned Greetings


      Christmas letters are, for the most part, either boring (“Dick continues to work at Xerox in the shipping department. In February, he was named Employee of the Month. He received a $25 gift certificate.”) or pretentious (“Well, Michelle has really blossomed in her ballet group this year. She starred again in ‘The Nutcracker.’ Huge article in the local paper.”) Tony Cobourn’s family Christmas letters are atypical. They are, first of all, hilarious. But this thirty-year compilation is also a poignant account of a functional family’s growth. Tony has captured all the stories of crazy neighbors, teenage angst, vacation misadventures, and marital coexistence. From young, struggling parents of noisy, messy children to old, struggling grandparents of brilliant, photogenic grandchildren, Seasoned Greetings will warm your heart as it recalls your own memories of holiday correspondence.

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    • Christmas On Stage


      1. Elementary Grades
      2. Middle Grades
      3. Programs For Teens And Adults
      4. Readers Theatre For Christmas
      5. Adaptions From Classics And Legends
      6. Christmas Legends

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      A collection of twenty-seven Christmas plays for all ages and all types of worship services compiled and edited by Theodore O. Zapel.The one-act plays included contain both traditional and contemporary settings, drama and humor, and new offerings and old favorites.The plays are easily staged with a minimum of costumes and props, and many of the scripts require no memorization.Christmas music interspersed with the drama adds a special touch to worship services. Since no royalty payments are required for performances, this low-cost anthology is a money-saving program resource for any drama group.

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    • Living With Hope


      Advent is a time for deepening encounter with reality, including the ultimate reality made manifest in human form at Christmas and Epiphany. This thought-provoking book illuminates biblical thinking with striking new insights from the author’s twin disciplines of theology and science at the cutting edge of physics.

      Though daily readings for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Polkinghorne explores such themes as the end of the world, individual destiny, unseen realities, heaven, hell, and suffering; this is not a book that hides behind platitudes or easy solutions, yet the author offers profound insight into his deep reflections on the nature, meaning, and purpose of creation.

      Suitable for individual study, as a guide to prayer during Advent and beyond, or as the basis of small group discussion, Living With Hope offers a unique and inspiring pathway into the coming of Christ in history, in our lives, and in what we shall be.

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    • Kingdom Under The Sea The Gift (DVD)


      Each episode consists of dazzling computer animation takes you under the waves for another delightful adventure. Biblically-based story themes help children understand difficult concepts such as faith, salvation, trust, and forgiveness.

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    • Advent And Christmas With The Saints


      Advent and Christmas with the Saints offers spiritual sustenance from those holy men and women whom we honor because of their close spiritual relationship with God. Readers walk day-by-day with the saints, recalling the Scriptures they read, meditating on the thoughts they had, praying as they might have prayed, and talking openly with God. Christians looking for a way to re-spiritualize their Christmas practices, prayer groups, small-faith communities, Bible study classes, teachers, clergy, and religious will cherish this guide to refocusing on the “reason for the season,” the birth of the Messiah.

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    • Gift Wrapped In Swaddling Cloths


      Sermon Titles Include:
      Just You Wait! (1 Thessalonians 3:9-13)
      God’s Peace Is On Patrol (Philippians 4:4-7)
      The Multitasking Church (1 Corinthians 12:1-11)
      Losing That Loving Feeling (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)
      A Labor Not In Vain (1 Corinthians 15:51-58)

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      The bottom line is that our risen Lord manifests himself exclusively to the church. We’re the ones who witnessed his life, death, and resurrection, and therefore, we are the ones responsible for declaring it to the world. If people don’t know what took place on Easter, it’s not Pilate’s fault. We can’t blame the government for not getting the message out. Christ came to us. This is our story to tell.
      (from “Sharing What We Have Been Shown,” Epiphany 5 sermon)
      In this collection of sixteen inspiring sermons based on New Testament epistle texts, Robert Crilley powerfully proclaims the good news to a modern world that desperately needs to hear the healing message of God’s unconditional love. Thoroughly grounded in scripture and chock-full of compelling personal stories and insightful illustrations, these sermons cogently relate the challenges faced by the early church to our contemporary lives — drawing clear lessons for Christian living. Crilley is a master preacher whose messages are memorable both for their friendly charm and for their potent biblical witness.

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    • Divine Interlude Mercy


      SKU (ISBN): 9781591603337ISBN10: 1591603331Bob BedfordBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • There Really Is A Santa Claus


      Saint Nicholas-Sinter Klaas-Santa Claus-The story of Nicholas, 3rd Century Bishop of Myra, Asia Minor (present day Turkey) and how stories of his generous life were embellished into legend. Discover additions of writer Washington Irving, Clement Moore, Civil War illustrator Thomas Nast, Coca-Cola artist Haddom Sundblom. Learn origins of the 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas tree, Carols, Kris Kringle, Creche’ scene, Poinsettia, Hanukkah…Relive events on Christmas through history, from Columbus to Valley Forge, the Great Depression to Korean War. Read Christmas Messages of U.S. Presidents, like Harry S. Truman lighting of the National Christmas Tree 1946: “If we as a nation, and the other nations of the world, will accept it, the star of faith will guide us into the place of peace as it did the shepherds on that day of Christ’s birth long ago.”

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    • Gideons Gift : A Novel


      One long-ago Christmas, Earl Gibson lost the two things most precious to him: his wife and daughter. Angry and heartbroken, he ended up living on the streets and abandoned any belief he’d once had in God.

      Ten years later Big Earl meets Gideon, a seven-year-old leukemia patient who believes with all her heart that “Christmas means never having to ask God how much he loves us.” Gideon is determined to reach this lonely and hurting man who hates Christmas–and he is just as determined to rebuff her. It will take a miracle for Earl to come to understand the true meaning of Christmas. But if he can accept what Gideon wants to give him, he might find that he can return the favor with a precious gift of his own.

      In GIDEON’S GIFT, Karen Kingsbury reminds us that Christmas is still a time of miraculous possibilities if only we reach out to those around us.

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    • While We Wait


      This book offers new ways of connection study participants with their own faith questions. Group members have the chance to look at some biblical figures on whom we don’t always focus during Advent. Somewhat surprisingly, Tamar, Ruth, Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and the Magi ask questions that resonate with contemporary Christians during this season. Designed as a complete Advent study, this book offers readers unique perspectives on the events of Christmas, a fifth session for the week of Epiphany, an introduction to the spiritual discipline of breath prayer, and much more.

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    • Love Came Down


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819218988ISBN10: 0819218987Compiled by: Christopher WebberBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2002Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • In Search Of Christmas


      This anthology of holiday material provides you with a complete collection of resources for drama, worship, and young people. It includes a wide range of resources from across the denominational spectrum. Copying privileges are included for all six segments.

      Come! See What God Has Done is a Thanksgiving children’s event designed to heighten awareness of God’s many blessings. Six learning centers — each including posters, projects, a guided experience, follow-up activities, and a closing prayer — focus on such topics as families, nature, our religious heritage, and our bodies. Intended for kindergarten through sixth grade, this is an ideal activity for your church school and can be held during a single session.

      A Chrismon Service portrays the drama of redemption through symbols of Jesus in the form of Christmas ornaments. (The word “Chrismon” is a combination of the words “Christ” and “monogram.”) As appropriate scripture passages are read, each symbol is presented and explained; worshipers participate in the service by hanging them on the Chrismon tree. Eighteen designs are included so that you can make your own Chrismons based on such symbols as the Epiphany star, the Christmas rose, and the angel.

      The ABC’s Of Christmas offers four easy programs for Christmas worship, celebrating angels, bells, colors, and gifts. Each incorporates scripture, carols, and simple props together with dramatic readings to create a meaningful worship experience that will linger in the memory long after Christmastime passes.

      The Angels’ Point Of View is a play in two acts that looks at Jesus’ conception, birth, and flight into Egypt from their perspective. Originally developed for a junior high Sunday school class, this piece is excellent for older youth and can be performed in a variety of settings. There are thirteen speaking roles, and complete directions for assembling props, costume, and scenery are included.

      In Search Of Christmas is a light, contemporary drama that intersperses a series of brief dialogues between a husband and wife, two teenagers, and others illustrating how we can lose the real meaning of Christmas with faith-affirming conversations among individuals who have kept the season’s true spirit of joy and giving. Roles can be doubled up for the small congregation, and only a few basic props are needed.

      Last Year In Bethlehem: The Story Of Eli The Shepherd reminds us that the story of Christ’s birth is more than a holiday tradition. It com

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    • Christmas Star : Readings And Pageants For Christmas


      The Christmas Star is a potpourri of holiday gifts for those planning worship-the charming collection includes three plays and five brief meditations suitable for reading during services or for use in bulletins and newsletters. Each presentation is simple for small churches to produce, with minimal costumes and props required. Insightful and scripturally sound, The Christmas Star is a wonderful package that you won’t be able to resist!

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    • Road Signs Airlines And Stars


      These all-new inspirational programs are sure to bring wonder and joy to your congregation’s seasonal celebration. In this book you travel with youth as they pick up friends and road signs on their way to a church Christmas party. It’s an exciting resource with a salvation message that’s perfect for a Sunday school program or worship service. Then join Mary and Joseph as they make their way to Bethlehem on Salvation Airlines in The Christmas Travelers. A Sunday school pageant with a unique twist, this program declares the message of Christ’s birth through narration, readings, and song. Star Of Wonder gives you an opportunity to involve older youth or college students in a complete Christmas Eve worship service for families.

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    • Bethlehems Closet A Reunion Of Grace


      If you want to try something different for Advent this year, Bethlehem’s Closet — A Reunion Of Grace is a great resource that provides congregations with an intriguing learning experience. It’s a unique series of five monologues telling the fascinating stories, warts and all, of the women mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus. Donald Neidigk believes that the embarrassing events in some of these women’s lives are important for us to know, since they demonstrate that Jesus was born into an imperfect family, with secrets in the closet, just like you and me. And that makes him a sympathetic Savior — exactly what we need. So even though the shepherds and wise men may be more typical of the season’s characters, Bethlehem’s Closet — A Reunion Of Grace offers a refreshing way to celebrate Christ’s birth. Each monologue comes with a children’s message (using easily obtained objects to reinforce the lesson) and a convenient order of worship.

      The monologues examine these women:
      * Tamar — A Wronged Widow
      * Rahab — A Former Prostitute
      * Ruth — A Moabite Convert
      * Bathsheba — A Violated Wife
      * Mary — A Young Mother

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    • Thespian Theology Cycle B


      If you want audiences to laugh while being stimulated to see the scriptural message in a new light, you’ll love the enjoyable and enlightening sketches in the latest installment of John TenBrook’s popular Thespian Theology series. It’s an inspiring collection based on Cycle B lectionary readings for the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the simple, easy-to-perform scenes are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is introduced by “Thespian Theological Thoughts: that briefly make an explicit connection between the drama and the scripture passage. Use these versatile pieces in place of the Sunday sermon or for youth programs and other fellowship settings-their offbeat humor is just what you need to inject a healthy dose of fun into the serious business of speaking and hearing the Word of God.

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    • Advent And Christmas With Thomas Merton


      Reflections for each day of Advent and the Christmas season begin with a scriptural quotation and continue with a thought from the writings of Thomas Merton on a timely theme: the Incarnation, anticipation, angels, and many more. An appendix includes a suggested plan for using each days meditation as part of a morning or evening prayer.

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    • They Worshiped Him


      In today’s “hurry-up” world, it seems we rarely take the time to think of other people and “walk a mile in the other man’s shoes.” If we did, what would we see? They Worshiped Him revisits the nativity story from the perspective of the people who were actually there. In this dramatic retelling, we glimpse the innermost thoughts and feelings of some of the very common people whose lives were forever changed by a most extraordinary event. What did the shepherds feel? What did others think of them? Were they perceived as “eccentric”? And what about the wise men who followed the star? Did they have an entire entourage, or did people treat them like three dottering old men? And what about Mary and Joseph; how did this unusual pregnancy affect them? They Worshiped Him answers many of these questions while reminding us of the biblical characters’ humanity.

      The singing of favorite seasonal carols is woven into the drama, encouraging audience participation. And it’s an adaptable work that can be staged as elaborately or simply as you wish. While there are speaking parts for 12 angels, 5 animals, 6 shepherds, 3 magi, the innkeeper, Mary, Joseph, and a narrator, roles can easily be combined for use with any size congregation. Staging instructions are included.

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    • Christmas Quartet : Poetic Reflections On The Nativity


      An outstanding writer and preacher shares with readers a different approach to the season: four verse sermons on characters from the Christmas narrative (Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men), each accompanied by a chapter providing relevant background material on the featured character. It’s an intriguing combination that lends itself equally well to preaching or to Bible studies – for example, you can build a four-week Advent program around the poems. And there are four suggested orders of service provided that emphasize the message of the sermons. In a “lessons and carols” format, they’re perfect for Christmas Eve – but they also work well for Advent gatherings or potluck dinners. You’ll find a variety of ways to use these creative and thoughtful meditations that portray familiar characters in a fresh, new way.

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    • Angels We Have Heard


      If you’re looking for a fresh new approach to telling the old, old story — what better way to celebrate the Christmas message than to do it from the viewpoint of the angels? From the promise to Abraham to its fulfillment in Bethlehem, angels are a vital part of the story. Angels We Have Heard is a beautiful service that combines many of the traditional elements of Christmas worship with brief dialogues between angels and a number of characters relating to the Christmas narrative. Along with candlelight, an optional communion celebration, and many of the favorite carols we all love to sing, the encounters described in the scriptures between angels and Abraham, Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds are paraphrased. There’s also a short closing exchange between an angel and a contemporary person that sheds light on the meaning of Christ’s birth for our modern times.

      This easy-to-use service is adaptable for any size congregation — while a number of speaking parts are specified, it’s easy to combine parts and use just two readers, allowing the participation of as many or as few as you wish. There’s also a convenient order of service for use in bulletin preparation. And while designed for worship use, the drama of the angels speaking with and to different people through the ages can be used in other settings such as youth meetings or church school. Very little (if any) rehearsal is required — this is a simple and versatile way to make the pageantry and drama of the biblical story come alive in your Christmas worship.

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    • Curious Commercials


      Curious Commercials approaches the Christmas event from a different perspective. Daniel Weitner doesn’t treat the nativity as a kind of warm and fuzzy feeling of longing for universal peace that envelops the earth around the end of the year or as a sign pointing to something greater in our lives. In trenchant messages that are liberally sprinkled with contemporary illustrations, he reminds us that to know what Christmas is all about, we don’t have to look outside Bethlehem…beyond the manger…or past the baby Jesus. Instead we should focus on the birth of Jesus the Redeemer – it is the wonderful event!

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    • Every Knee Shall Bow


      The scene for this Christmas play and worship service is a familiar one: a nativity display in a town square. As different individuals or families approach the manger scene they hear the voice of God speaking his words of truth, encouragement, and hope to their own unique needs and circumstances. When the members of your congregation hear God’s message to these individuals, they will hear God speaking to them as well. The service includes the congregational singing of familiar Christmas carols.

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    • On The Way To Bethlehem


      Richard Goodlin writes: “Having been born in Bethlehem (Pennsylvania), I wondered what it would be like to get a letter from the IRS stating I had to go back to Bethlehem for the purpose of taxation. This gave rise to On The Way To Bethlehem.”

      The assigned scripture lessons for Advent in the lectionary present themes and concepts, but there is little in the way of a story that flows from one week to the next. In these dialogues Goodlin engages people in the unfolding drama of events that lead up to the birth of Jesus, as well as the story of the life of Jesus.

      These dialogues may be performed as a readers’ theater and few props are needed. Costuming is optional.

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